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Everything posted by dragonstar57

  1. perhaps some kind of stamp that would only show up under u.v light? or a public list?
  2. so it won't become
  3. this is also a big reason why the world can find no lasting peace people are viewing themselves as members of their religion before members of the human species people are not all that different and there is no reason why people could not be united other than religion and nationalism.
  4. what i'm afraid of is that Obamacare is going to become like the law about car insurance. that it will be a law where those without health insurance are fined rather than helped
  5. get a whole lot of diet soda mentos
  6. but those are not fool proof.
  7. new name!

    1. jerryyu


      what's the old name?

    2. dragonstar57
    3. jerryyu


      hmm...yep...the new one definitely sound better

  8. if sugar is and fat is so bad for us why do people like them? why is it the high calorie stuff that people like. wouldn't evolution have made people dislike sugar and fat by killing all those that like it?
  9. but the human sense of taste must have evolved to like sugar for some reason
  10. have the tables turned to the republicans? and is it Obama's fault?
  11. what could he have done differently
  12. is it right to get rid of everyone with HIV/AIDS in order to protect those that don't?
  13. by this reasoning a murderer on a desert island would feel no remorse
  14. verbal and physiological abuse is just as much as a problem as physical abuse and worse because there no marks. nagging is nothing but when it becomes a physiological mind game what is one to do? after in most cases the female is most likely smarter than the male and the only way the male knows to defend himself is physical violence. this is no excuse or even near an excuse but the problem is there and i doubt it will be resolved while no one would dare tell a "modern" woman that they ought to be cooking and cleaning it would not be a shocker to hear someone tell a man that they should be doing their own plumbing, electrical drywalling, car repair etc. where women can wear any colors they chose men cannot wear most many colors such as red,blue,green etc but this is becoming off topic so i digress
  15. what is this rubbish? guilt is the result of man made laws and ones "inner spirit" being in conflict? no guilt is http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/guilt a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined.
  16. just looking for a cheep way to solve a "theoretical" problem because even "thought" problems have B) "theoretical" B) budgets
  17. Google convection currents air (or any other kind of mater in a non-solid state) is heated so it rises the lower pressure allows it to cool and descend. the air cools because the same energy is spread over a larger area. but in this example you don't have fusion rates to deal with. the plasma expands and hinders the fusion reaction in addition to the energy being more spread out it also makes less energy. so it seems to me that the sun's temperature is a fairly stable thing and that by heating it it would cause it to oscillate. which i believe is this cause for the 11 year solar cycle no?
  18. what about filling the house with carbon monoxide? that would kill everything there.
  19. would it be possible for a solar cell to power a cell phone? if it was not exclusively powered by the solar cell it would extend the time between charges (assuming that it has a battery and can still be charge conventionality) right?
  20. they already use pressurized gas for this purpose. if they didn't the projectile would become "spot welded" to the barrel
  21. it would absolve man of guilt if they believe a few muttered words would make it all beater
  22. this topic has become more narrow than I had intended what about purchasing things such as pellet guns or gamble?
  23. but projectiles won't be effective as soon as those "ant-rpg" defense guns are perfected
  24. I think that the conspiracy is just that the Bush administration covered up just how severe a blunder they had made (ie some of the contributing factors being stupidity)
  25. could a laser be put on missile or rocket to damage the armor and or destroy any anti missile projectiles?
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