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Everything posted by dragonstar57

  1. 1.i don't see what is so shocking i don't even see how it is illegal 2.if "OP" means original poster that would be me 3.just because belief in a concept harms society does not make it untrue
  2. aol= American online or America online don't remember g2g=got to go bbl=be back later pple=people idk=i don't know ttyl=talk to you later ywu=yo whats up fnpp=for no particular purpose lshig2d=laughing so hard im going to die idc= i don't care idk/c= i don't know or care html=hypertext makeup language basic= beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code Qbasic= a gui (seen below) version of basic gui= graphic user interface mdy= Monday tudy= Tuesday wdy= Wednesday thdy= Thursday fdy= Friday sady= Saturday sudy= Sunday th= thousand m=million b=billion t=trillion ^=to the power of wtvo=what is the value of sf=solve for GC= Google chrome EE= internet explorer FF/MFF or=firefox/Mozilla firefox
  3. I would invest 1/16= 12 500 000 000 of it into fusion 12/16=150 000 000 000 into sciences of various kinds (with a slight bias towards physics and chemistry ie a few million $ ) 1/16=12 500 000 000 into education/poor people and the and keep the other 2/16=12 500 000 000 of it. 12.5 billion$ is all a person really needs B) and if you donate any more than 6 and a quarter billion to charity your just showing off B)
  4. what do female teachers having sex with male students who arguably will be no more capable/incapable to make that decision when they are 18 have to do with weather life has meaning? and is this an argument for meaning or ageist it? so because all things that have ever exist or will ever exist exist right now even after I die I will still be alive but just in a different time? i should have just paid attention in Sunday school and went along with the crowd after all it would be far less depressing to think that that life is a test and that a all powerful being cares about me. weather its hopelessly self-diluted or not.
  5. I have never really gotten a spectacular revenge because I have never had anyone do anything that was bad enough for that kind of plaining. revenge should not be driven by anger but the anticipation of vengeance's sweetness. and simple harm ageist the person is not enough if someone hurts your friend. is it enough to just walk up and punch the person? or would you rather slip contact solution in their drink before a big date?
  6. no that intelligence is just the ability to plain. revenge is the ability to come up with poetic justice and then implement it.
  7. but why bother if it will be like it never happened?
  8. I don't see what you mean 1/4*100=25 http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=653&q=1/4*100&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=C6rOxPmqeTI7uFZiQoATJ8ZyHCwAAAKoEBU_QL8ya thus converting the decimal answer in to a percentage
  9. would it not take intelligence to come up with the prefect revenge?
  10. there is no need to attempt to get revenge on someone for the vengeance they got ageist you ie. you cant get someone back for getting you back and an intelligent person will realize that they deserved it and let it go
  11. no revenge would be arranging for him to fail to cover it up. or burn his house down and frame him for insurance fraud but the perfect revenge has just the perfect amount of irony. there have been plenty of times where i thought I had gotten the prefect revenge but looking back the vengeance wasn't as well thought out as it should have been.
  12. how is this society gone wrong? ie.http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/51769-can-we-assume-children-are-all-all-stupid/
  13. but IS there any net value of having lived?
  14. it was just an example. i just meant if there is an end and in that end your exactly where you started wouldn't that end nullify the journey? like walking in a circle?
  15. so its like a bunch of people on a sinking ship with no life rafts and no radio some panic and still die and some have a party ant get drunk despite their inevitable demise and still die. while they all died some of them had a good time before doing so?
  16. weather your a billionaire or a homeless guy on the streets on NY. a religious leader or a movie star in a hundred years you will be dead and all of your accomplishments will not matter to you any longer. and in a thousand years in all probability no one will remember you. and in a 5 billion years all traces of your legacy will be destroyed with the earth when the sun becomes a red giant. so does anything even these words as I type them matter at all in any capacity?? and as an extension if nothing matters does right and wrong exist?
  17. but wouldn't the other stuff freeze too?
  18. is there any way to be allowed to use the chat again? after all its been almost 2 months now!
  19. I have a jug of apple cider in the fridge that has semi frozen ie.turned into a liquid/slush but nothing other than it has frozen! is there some odd attribute about apple cider that would explain this phenomenon?
  20. my health teacher once said that unmarried sex is illegal even if your way past the age on consent (like 30) and also explained that (in the event of teen sex) alcohol if consumed by the male did not offer an excuse but if it was the female that was drunk it just made it worse. this is a obviously sexist law as it is. good point
  21. 1 they just send the male to jail 2. I am in high school right now and what is with the school classes being so Christian. my health teacher is such a blatant fear monger that I don't believe almost anything she says and all i hear when she talks is the repeated phrase "Christian agenda". http://lmgtfy.com/?q=age+of+consent how would consent be any more difficult to prove than a normal case where it becomes a he said she said?
  22. yes it is yes they do it because they want to do it and I don't see how anyone has the right to stop them that is like saying alcoholics can not stop drinking. this is a very poor analogy as the legal diving limit is to protect others from the drunks this law is to protect a teen from themselves this opinion seems to be strongly influenced by the flowing flawed beliefs 1. the religious belief that sex is wrong 2.the belief that children are there parents propriety 3. that it is your responsibility or right to protect anyone from themselves who said anything about children? teens are not irresponsible due to a brain flaw they are irresponsible due to the fact that our society awards immaturity. and because the teen years are the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood and teens try to make statements that they are more adult than child ie. smoking drinking having sex
  23. that what I was trying to say thank you for clarifying what I have been saying.
  24. i was just saying people make mistakes through out there lives maybe less later but the time people really learn risk assessment is often when they just miscalculated a risk assessment. ie people learn not to make mistakes by making mistakes just because they teens aren't allowed to do something they will go absolutely INSANE with it in there 20s or theyy will do it anyway. but is it our place to intervene?
  25. "they" (18+ people) don't after ( exercise judgement) "they" (18- people) still don't before ( exercise judgement) they both still do it one group is prosecuted for it (18- people) there still doing it anyway and all problems that would be present if it were legal are present now and many are now that would not be and many problems predicted for it are possibly due to the unnecessary taboo we have put on it with this law"(18- people)
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