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Everything posted by dragonstar57

  1. "they" (18+ people) don't after ( exercise judgement) "they" (18- people) still don't before ( exercise judgement) they both still do it one group is prosecuted for it (18- people) there still doing it anyway and all problems that would be present if it were legal are present now and many problems predicted for it are possibly due to the unnecessary taboo we have put on it with this law"(18- people)
  2. did you read ALL of what I said?
  3. but why should there be a age requirement at all? does this law really make any sense? other than from a Christan standpoint? a simple class about the risks would give enough information for teens to make the decision. there is no need to through those in jail (and add to the sex offenders list) those who decide that they are ready.
  4. I read every word and it was just saying that the reason religious people can do whatever they want free of guilt is because "god is Superior to man" and even if that is true people are indebted to me if they wrong me i'm not jugging them but the only real forgivingness that matters is forgiveness from the victim. and one should not act absolved because they said a quick payer or told a priest what they did. or even decided to eat fish for a week. maybe that squares your debt with god but you still got a debt to settle with the victim. you seek god's forgiveness for selfish reasons (ie to go to heaven or to not go to the other option) you seek forgivingness from the victem because you genuinely feel bad about what you did. and even if your religion says to ask for gods forgiveness common sense says that weather more "beneficial" to your soul or not, to be a good person you need to seek the victims forgiveness and give forgivingness when it is sought of you.
  5. so a potentially imaginary god gets to allow people to treat people like crap and still have a pompous attitude and claim others are cursed to a eternity in a lake of fire? something is very wrong with this system.
  6. is risk assessment a strength in this world? risk assessment is not taught and if teens have such poor examples to follow what can you expect?
  7. exactly what I meant when I said that this thread is not specifically about Christianity however Christianity is well known so therefore it makes an excellent example but this is about ALL religion. not just Islam the topic is meant to be a little abstract
  8. but the thread is not specifically about Christianity it is about weather religion ANY ALL RELIGION is beneficial to society and a few people who don't feel guilt due to their wrong doings as long as god tels them its ok harms society
  9. talk to the mother about but recored it and take it to the police just make sure to put a sign that says that entering the building consents to be recorded
  10. i didn't say that i need to torture these people for stealing something (or whatever else) i'm saying if you do some thing wrong you should feel bad about it. and if you want forgiveness you need to seek it from the victim. no one else can forgive you. and no one else has the right, not even god. if the victim refuses to forgive you you must decide weather you really deserve to be forgiven yet or ever for that mater. and if you want to be forgiven then forgive others and try to be a good person and maybe you will someday you will find redemption. this is not about putting Christianity on trial but about weather religious people are better (ie more moral) people. and weather religion in general has made the world a better place.
  11. agreed, exactly what I meant when I said anything that disables guilt/remorse is not a system of morality but a system to avoid morality and any such defense mechanism is almost a kind of insanity and therefore bad not to mention in many places its not god's forgiveness that you should need! its not god's place to forgive you its the place of the person you did something wrong to!
  12. I don't understand Latin its almost looks like another language

  13. and instead of every person trying to be more understanding of everyone we oppress and blatantly stereotype teens, regularly call teens stupid yet also regularly have news specials about how teens are using nothing short of advanced substitution ciphers in their text messages. when most teens have never heard any of these terms! and assume that any teen who is simply following the latest fad (ie wearing a baseball cap sideways) is some sort of juvenile or gangster! its been understood for a long time that stereotyping is wrong but people stereotype teens all the time. and if a teen knows that when people look at him/her the first thing they think is they have/will drop out of high school will they put much focus on their grades!?
  14. still this robot (and c3p0 for that mater) should have been red or red and gold like iron man
  15. no the power point part was a joke and i thought it was a good one
  16. I disagree i have many Christan friends who are so called "redeemed" for doing something to me ie steel something of mine. and act like because god forgave them its like it never happened and I have no right to still be angry at them(or have the object back for that mater). i believe the "say sorry to god and it's cool" mentality is a defense mechanism to avoid guilt. and therefore allow people to break there so called "moral code" without any fear repercussion or even guilt.
  17. i understand that it it is difficult to answer this question due to its inherent complexity but the question includes all religions. does the good of one counteract the bad of another (or its own for that mater)
  18. I wasn't specifically to any of those things but I don't think the idea of not wanting to shorten people's childhood is good enough reason to not change any of these ages. teens (on my part at least) are in a state of limbo not really knowing if they are adults or children and it sucks, and knowing which side one falls upon is not as cut and dry as one might think. not to mention that most children don't know how to become emancipated and it would create a rift between them and there parents
  19. I was referring to teen agers in particular. and I was referring more to formal legislation than rules at a nursery
  20. many religions have a code of rules and they may be perceived to help society ie Christians believe it is wrong to steal. but some extreme forms of religion can cause war and chaos. ie imperialism, the crusades religious wars, terrorism to name just a few. so does religion have a positive or negative impact on society? do religious people make the earth a better place to be? or a worse one?
  21. is it fair to assume that all children teens are idiots to keep them safe? and is it fair to limit the rights of all children teens because some children teens act stupidly.
  22. could someone explain quantum mechanics to me? ie a qualitative explanation no math please I wont understand a word of it i want to know because i am epically bored and it sounds interesting.
  23. get one and shoot their cannon with it
  24. it should be red like this http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.seriouswheels.com/pics-2010/def/2010-Ford-Mustang-Red-Front-Angle-Top-Up-1920x1440.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.seriouswheels.com/2010/def/2010-Ford-Mustang-Red-Front-Angle-Top-Up-1920x1440.htm&usg=__e4vv011Lqqq0pPkaDM6gkC6ZoIo=&h=1440&w=1920&sz=362&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=wLEOJ7f3UZYp9M:&tbnh=154&tbnw=197&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmustang%2Bred%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D653%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=138&vpy=123&dur=865&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=193&ty=92&ei=7EGMTIHuMaKanAfP0piXCQ&oei=7EGMTIHuMaKanAfP0piXCQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0
  25. could someone please help me get back onto the chat? I really am sorry
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