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Everything posted by sabbath

  1. this is the most amusing thread i've read yet! as to my opinion on sims...i don't think a sim would be capable of detecting whether he/she indeed is a sim. a programmer and technology has to be that good/advanced to be able to create a sim with such independent awareness.
  2. refrace=rephrase sorry couldn't help it.
  3. I don't know about almonds..but am sure about sleep. Get enough rest and sleep. My best days are when I'm fully rested. It feels different, as though you're mind is open and you are fully aware of everything around you. On those days I take out my books. Don't force it too. I cram a lot for school because I don't have study habits, and I noticed that I began to suffer from short term memory loss after a year of constant cramming. I could understand stuff and remember them more before I started cramming. The aftermath is quite sad. I can't understand and grasp concepts as quickly as I once could. So as they said, use it, but don't overdo it. You might just pop. And it's also quite advantageous if you are interested in the topic. For analysis I answer crossword puzzles. (where's the analysis in that?) Try mind bogglers, too. And answering mathematical problems (I see my friends do it, they improve. I don't do it, poor me.) More power to you and your brain!
  4. viruses are not injected themselves. only the viral RNA is. which uses the cell as a replicating factory.
  5. call me daft, but i didn't get a word of it.
  6. not everybody's given the chance to know. probability, destiny, fate, luck, karma, coincidence, just because. you have all the uncontrollable factors in the world to reckon with. unless...you time your death yourself. but then you'll never be too sure. something just might happen.
  7. The conventional definition according to google states that for an organism to be alive it must have: organization, undergo metabolism, reproduce, undergo growth, respond to stimuli, and adapt to its environment. Yet life is said to be a multifaceted concept.
  8. Consciousness is inherent in the higher beings, but that's too crude. Let's say consciousness is inherent in creatures/species with advance and developed ganglia. But one doesn't have to be conscious of life to be alive. Biologically, an organism is alive when it's organs/organelles or its general anatomy functions to enable the organism to carry out the processes of life, ex respiration, metabolism etc. Am I even making sense? If AI computers come into being, they would, technically be alive I suppose. Not organically, but mechanically.
  9. but then alice...what if it wasn't a big bang at all huh? what if from nothing everything just came to be because a divine being said it so. there would have been no need for evolution. so in a way it's verification of evo and creation. so you're not that wrong i think. well, i'd rather make a time loop though, so i can eat an ice cream forever.
  10. umm how does that work out yt? how'd you know where up is if you spit into your hand..just wondering..not that i'll be in any avalanche soon though, unless it's a mudslide:D thanks in advance
  11. creationists are people who think that scientists are unemotional atheists seeking to end all organized systems of morals:D as posted by ecoli. nay sir!
  12. Because a child must have the choice over that. I think religion is a personal choice, and parents must not impose upon children their own personal choice on who to believe and what to believe. It is up to the child whether or not his god is Allah, Jesus, Buddha, Brahma, or whether he does not believe in a god at all. It is the parent's task most of all to allow his children to walk in his own path, and not the parent's. We believe because we believe. We do not have faith just because it has been chosen for us.
  13. Nitrogen...healthy for plants:D
  14. I'd go to the Classical Period, and enjoy a Mozart Concerto. Then, I would walk upon the green countryside and camp out. That's all I want out of time travel, to go into a time where it was okay to be sentimental, and somber.
  15. i think fashion came to be because people could afford it. when wealth improved there became room for aesthetic pursuits. in the time of the neanderthal, life was all about survival. when things became more comfortable, people had the chance to think beyond fighting for existence. How to make that existence more meaningful, and yes, creative. man progressed beyond the first level of existence, which was mere survival.
  16. http://www.cirp.org/library/pain/anand/
  17. of course loneliness is a terminal illness...it will eventually lead to morbidity. i'll prove this when the time is right...just one slash...but really. slashing the wrist kills no one. it's exaggerated by the movies. falling off a skyscraper might do it. eight floors won't work though.
  18. think whether it's gonna hurt you or not. if it will eventually lead to pain because...the guy/gal may not have the same infat with you...juggle your choices. do you want to get hurt? (men, that was lame)
  19. from http://www.cirp.org/library/pain/anand/ "PHYSIOLOGIC CHANGES ASSOCIATED WITH PAIN Cardiorespiratory Changes Changes in cardiovascular variables, transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen, and palmar sweating have been observed in neonates undergoing painful clinical procedures. In preterm and full-term neonates undergoing circumcision99,100 or heel lancing,101-103 marked increases in the heart rate and blood pressure occurred during and after the procedure. The magnitude of changes in the heart rate was related to the intensity and duration of the stimulus104 and to the individual temperaments of the babies.105 The administration of local anesthesia to full-term neonates undergoing circumcision prevented the changes in heart rate and blood pressure,99,100,106 whereas giving a "pacifier" to preterm neonates during heel-stick procedures did not alter their cardiovascular or respiratory responses to pain.101 Further studies in newborn and older infants showed that noxious stimuli were associated with an increase in heart rate, whereas non-noxious stimuli (which elicited the attention or orientation of infants) caused a decrease in heart rate.22,107,108.... Further detailed hormonal studies126 in preterm and full-term neonates who underwent surgery under minimal anesthesia documented a marked release of catecho- lamines,127 growth hormone,128 glucagon,127 cortisol, aldosterone, and other corticosteroids,129,130 as well as suppression of insulin secretion.131 These responses resulted in the breakdown of carbohydrate and fat stores,127,132,133 leading to severe and prolonged hyperglycemia and marked increases in blood lactate, pyruvate, total ketone bodies, and nonesterified fatty acids." So tell me, is it beneficial or harmful?
  20. it is believed that circumcision prevents the acquisition of certain diseases but the question at hand is whether babies should be circumcised. what effects whether good or ill does circumcision have on infants?
  21. I don't understand how the viewing of art is nonconditioned. Some of us grow up conditioned to like abstract over impressionistic or detailed pictures, or quite the other way around. We may view an artwork for the first time but it doesn't mean that we have not seen other styles similar or dissimilar to it. We will not be alien towards the colors used in such art also, and even the inclination towards colors are affected by conditioning and environment. Even the viewing of art and the reactions from it are affected by conditioning.
  22. so to answer your question, the answer is no.
  23. I read in an article over the net regarding research that proved babies who were circumcised were more sensitive to pain later on in life. It seems that the brain becomes sensitized and "conditioned" to pain more than those who are circumcised when they are older. Will be looking for that article.
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