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Dieter S.

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About Dieter S.

  • Birthday 11/09/1959

Profile Information

  • Location
    brisbane Australia
  • Interests
    researching the works of Tesla , looking for man made stargates , Time Travel.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    gravitational physics
  • Biography
    I am 46y and am actively researching gravity for 25ys
  • Occupation
    Manager of a Research Company called G Space P/L


  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. ok so we have people that do not wish to try someone elses understanding of Einsteinian physics afterall who said the popular view was right, back in the day when the controlling factions said the earth was flat, any one who said it was round was stoned to death untill some fool sailor not scientist proved diferently. if you do not wish to do the maths then get a donut shaped ferrite magnet mount it on a non ferrious shaft conected to a motor to make it spin and watch as it looses weight (creats its own gravitational force ) remember the smaller ahe mass the faster it has to spin Try it, what have you got to loose.
  2. Einstein's E = mc^2, which describes the conversion of mass to energy. and in maths, as long as we have any 2 values we can find the third. so since we have the magnetic mass of the planet and we have its velocity ( revs. per day). we therefore can determin how much energy is being used. so now we know the value of E and we have the value of m, that will give us the rate of V or C which ever you prefer. and if you do not belive then look at the latest news on superconducters
  3. Yes it is not hard to minipulate gravity. if you do not belive me then think on this. The earth we live on has a gravitational field with a field strength 1g. Now we wish to reproduce the effects of gravity artificilly in the lab. But to do this we first have to be able to find a theory free envrionment or at least free of any theorys developed since 1915 if you can do this then you have half a chance. Now once we have a theory free enviroment we can go to work on the truth or facts, in this case these facts are; 1; we live on a planet that has a gravity value of 1g. 2; this planet has mass, but what properties does this mass have, is it not magnetic! 3; the planet is moving around on its axis, one revolution every 24 hours. " it Spins" Now, with out going further we can already come up with a simple mathamatical equasion to help us scale down the mass by increasing the velocity and of course the equasion is E=M V2 which is Einstein's original works not C2 as told to us today. So if we now substitute the known figures into the equasion we get the Energy required = the Magnetic Mass of the planet, multiplied by its spinning velocity squared. so E = _____ kg * 1 revolution/24hrs squared therefore if we wish to reduce the magnetic mass to 1kg then the rate or spin must increase proportunatly. all of this information we new before we left high school. As to Tesla well remember all you need to get electricity is a coil moving past a magnet or a magnet moving past a coil and by simple induction you will get electricity. this is also governed by the size of the coil, and in Tesla's case these coils were as large as a house. motors a scaled down version of the planet and his coil.
  4. Nicola Tesla was a man able to manipulate Gravity. Over his lifetime Tesla learned how to utalise and manipulate Gravity to do whatever he wanted. In his early days he used gravity in his water wheels and then came up with en exceptional pump which has to be seen to be belived. His ability to understand electrogravational force allowed him to make many of the electrical devices we use today. In 1903 Tesla wanted to give Westinghouse Free Electricity and all Westinghouse could say is "what am I going to do with that I can't charge any body for it". The potential diference from a hight of 6 meters to ground if done harmonicly is aproximately 1,000,000 volts and 1100 amps at close to electrostatic frenqencys and with the right inverter also built by Tesla you could power a city. But how would they control you if everything is free.
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