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Everything posted by mimefan599

  1. I am saying this out of disgust at the claim that drugs can make a channel to the subconscios and promote creativity that is fresh out of the subconcios. Perhaps LSD was a bad analogy but it was the one on hand. What I am saying is that there are ways for the thinking and registering mind to delve into the subconscios, superceding the filters of logic and proportion as Janis Joplin said it. This struck me as the most beautiful and truthful thing ive heard since E=mc2. It is so truthful because being inspired by things that had no logic nor proportion did put me in a state of awe and trance. Many people have been requesting how to induce hallucination without drugs, and I believe that surrealism manifested in the great and powerful human subconscios can inspire and give the ability for one to live inside of the subconscios mind, where white nights will talk backwards and the doormouse will talk to you and a million other fantastic things. One can see something in 100 different dimensions without drugs and one can adventure to wonderland merely by the will and concentration, something only attainable by regular meditation. People have been wondering how to live and breath and leave and go back to the state of mind where anything can happen inside of your own head without the bummers and come downs and after effects. I suppose this could be related to the state of mind often called a trance, but rather a living, breathing, ongoing yet willfull trance in which the laws of logic and perception need not apply. This is called surrealism in my opinion. And I belive you reach the peak of surrealism by meditation and inspiration. Once you reach the peak, nothing is impossible. Every sensation you wish is at your disposal where enlightenment and inspiration and the true mind lies. One could live in this state and leave it and come back at will. There is a certain, wonderful feeling i get when i look at things like dripping clocks and long rabbit holes and i hear things like white rabbit and the end (the doors one, not linkin park). There are two feelings i subscribe to: The love I feel for my girfriend and the inspiration I recieve that seems to tug me into my own subconsios. The latter is labeled as surrealism and that is good enough for me.
  2. Perhaps the fashion trends are another way to seem different, but all of the followers follow the fashions to blend in so as not to stick their necks out in case of harrassment. Things all too often change from a desperation to be different so as not to stick to things certain people dont believe in to a need ot blend in a croud. Its a self-esteem issue all of the way.
  3. Hes talking about the different stages of animal evolution presented front to back in chronological order.
  4. I looked on wikipepia for the definition of surrealism because I had earlier heard that Lewis G Carroll's books of Alice in wonderland and through the looking glass had been written from the style of surrealism. I read in GO Ask Alice, a book that has no ties to lewis g carroll, that the girl wondered if Carroll was on drugs. I instantly found this to be preposterous and if he was it had nothing to do with his writings. I researched surrealism and it summed up all of my views on internal inspiration of the human mind. Drugs may be able to break down inhibitions to be able to reach the subconscous but overall the users are distanced even further from the beauties of the human mind. Surrealism, I believe, is literary, music, paintings or anything that promotes throwing logic out of your way of thinking temporarily in order to be inspired by the beauty of our own heads. LSD cannot show you anything that cannot be seen to those who are clean and want to see it. I believe that if you want to hallucinate or trip out or whatever like so many people have been requesting is to be inspired by things around you, particularly surrealistic things, and daily meditation on the inspirations of what you have seen and you can do anything inside of your own mind. Logic does not always have a place in our world and it takes inspriration and meditation to see that and to tap the immense well of beauty and power we have and control we can have over our own minds.
  5. The way you are thinking, sunspot, is a shortcut to thinking. Rather than analysing the complexities of society and societie's individualities, you are the type of person who thinks, what if everyone was this? This is the shortcut you are taking. Society is founded on the principal that everyone is different and should reflect that in the way they act and think. Society would not work if everyone is a scientis, we would never have manual labor. That does not criminalize science, it merely emphasizes the fact that we must all be different.
  6. If a luminous source that is a digital system, meaning it can be on or off, say a lightbulb, is turned on, but at the exact same moment is launched away from your vision at the speed of light, what would one see. I belive that observer would not see anything. The light would not have had enough time to travel to his/her retina (is it retina? im no optometrist) because the source of the light is being shot away from that persons vision as quickly as the light can travel, therefore the light emited from the lightbulb would not travel away, because those opposite rays would double the speed of light. What do you think?
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