I don’t see where I multiplied by m0*g. The imaginary component of light energy is zero because mo = 0, but I’m saying that de Broglie waves come from the real component. So a light particle will produce an interference pattern just like the real component of a moving particle of matter. A photon is simply a particle with no rest mass and it works fine in my equation for energy.
As for your previous post, if you don’t like the gamma factor, start with the equation for energy: E^2 = (pc)^2+Eo^2 or its mass equivalent: m^2 = (p/c)^2 +mo^2. The fact that this represents a right triangle is a hint that complex numbers may be involved. I chose the imaginary component to be Eo because it looks like stored energy, just like one sees in the energy stored in a capacitors or inductors. And I chose pc to represent the real part because it represents transmitted energy (the energy of a photon with momentum p) because it looks like the radiating energy of a resistor. Minkowski space-time is derived only from the observation of the speed of particles of light and matter. But the speed of particles only represents the real part of a possible complex quantity. In an imaginary space-time one would expect to see the oscillation and transmission of the imaginary component of a complex energy. In fact it should look just like light. In our real space-time, defined by the motion of particles, the imaginary component should appear differently. The two properties of matter (the possible imaginary component) that look most like electric and magnetic waves are charge and spin. The question of how we would observe this imaginary space-time is still open. I’m guessing that the imaginary time component occupies all of real time and appears frozen to us. The imaginary space component (beyond the wavelength of the energy) would occupy all of real space and its amplitude would appear to obey the inverse square law. A frozen electric wave gives you a static electric field and a frozen magnetic wave gives you a static magnetic field. Add the frozen waves using the inverse square decline in amplitude and you get the electric and magnetic force without resorting to exchange of virtual photons.
What could be more beautiful than a universe that consists of only electromagnetic waves and their interactions? I think it will take more than 10 dimensions of space and time to undo the mistakes of previous work we now take as religious canon.