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Everything posted by Jwrules6

  1. Interesting...thanks. But I have 2 questions. 1. Do we know certainly that there was no light during the Big Bang? 2. How long after the initial Big Bang did the first star or light rendering star appear?
  2. In this Thread I would like to only discuss the diameter of the Universe! First off I would just like to state it is just a wild hypothesis that I came up with while I was bored. Now I might be way off and I'm not taking into account alot of other factors but my logic seems very logical. Now lets get to it. I was watching a video called "Closer to the Truth" and scientist were talking about how big the universe is and no one seemed to know with absolute certainty. After watching that video it just occurred to me that if the Big Bang Theory is true, then whatever caused it sent out light in all directions. So taking that into account we can known the origin of light. Now as everybody knowns during the Big Bang light went in all directions. That's when I formed my hypothesis! I thought if the universe is 14 billion years old....and we measured the speed of light at 186,000 miles per second! Wouldn't all we need to find out is how far light traveled in that time frame? So I looked up and found how many seconds are in a year and it came out to be 31,556,926 seconds in 1 year. I took that number and multiplied it by 14 billion to get the age of the universe in seconds and it came out to be 441,796,964,000,000,000 seconds in the universe. Now my first thought was no way...its got to be more?? But anyway I continued my math. I took that number which represents the age of the universe in second and multiplied it by the speed of light and I got this super big number 82,174,235,304,000,000,000,000 and that would be the distance light traveled sense the Big Bang in 1 direction. Then I figured all you would have to do to get the universes total Diameter only would be to multiply that number by 2. And you get the whole diameter of the universe which comes out to be 1.6438471*10 to the 23rd power. Or this very long number. 164,348,470,608,000,000,000,000 miles in the universe. Now another hypothesis I thought up was if we think of the universe in a sphere like shape. And if my hypothesis is correct wouldn't we only need to cube that number to figure out the total vastness of the universe? I would very much like to see others opinions. Please take into account I am no genius or scientist...just a average joe....so please be gentle. Thank you.
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