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  • Lepton

FuturePilotL's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. I thought about it, and tell you the truth I'll probably get those too. Here's another factor to be calculated in, I will be applying for the AFROTC scholarship soon. Hopefully if everything runs smooth I can serve my country after college as a engineer or pilot. Either way would be awesome, a win win situation. Engineering AirForce jets, missles, ect... that'll be amazing and while serving my country and getting a free education? I'll say yes to that for sure. Thanks for your advice and input.
  2. I'm sorry for reposting but I forgot to Thank you guys for reading. Thanks, Levi
  3. I'm a H.S. junior in FL. In the past months I really been thinking to myself, What on earth do I want to do? I been amazed by airplanes my whole life and spaceshuttles too. I think engineering them, well that'll be awesome. But here's the problem, I don't even know what aerospace eng. is like? I want to see first hand in a company of some sort what they do and what they're like. And I have another problem, My math. I know Engineering equals math. My math is not the greatest out there, but I am way above average, on my math and science skills. My G.P.A. is 3.3 right now and hopefully that'll change.(My freshman year ) Anyways I was wondering where would I look for as a shadow job in aerospace industry. If anyone would have any advice. And also may I have some more advice "specificlly" on my math skills, they are improving though. I look at it this way, some people are twice as smart as me so I have to study twice as much to be at that level, and lately I have been. My plans are attending Embry-Riddle in Daytona.
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