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Everything posted by gentleman-farmer

  1. Gentleman-farmer (PLEASE NOTE This subject is very complex and the proof lays in some evidence not commonly recognized - so in order to make this presentation as contiguous as possible would you all restrict your responses to questions and not google counter proposals - we can entertain those at the end of the thread - thank you The short answer to what religion did the Egyptians follow? Is given by Champollion-Figeac On another thread Klaplunk asked Ju gf) I've studied that question for many years - my interest stemming from initial studies of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, where we'll find some of the answers. We'll find other parts in the Book of the Dead, and still others in the history of England and the Catholic Reformation Key words will be :: the declaration of innocence, I have not, Jean Francois Champollion, his brother Champollion-Figeac who wrote a volume titled "Egypte," published in 1839, the Rosetta Stone, corbel ghouls, King Henry VIII, Ann Boleyn, Rome and the Catholic Church, Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, God (Big g), gods (little g), monotheism and the dates, 2500 B.C, 1799, 1637, and 1821- 22 gf \/
  2. I just posted my answer to your Morning Star question - thank you for being kind - a rare trait indeed

  3. moontanman gf) Recall that we're looking to the Pyramid Texts for the definition of the morning star. Allow me to dramatize a little bit We use a search and find methodology - our first key word will be morning - we could use star but there'd be too many returns Ah good we found what we want in § 132 :: Now that we've found Morning Star - we'll look for a definition Ah Great we found it in § 341 So the Morning Star, is the dawn-light. / I'll answer the question of Horus's mother in a later post gf /
  4. Klaynos gf) That is a very good point - we see ice skaters use their body and limbs to change spin rate through conservation of angular momentum, speed controls work, and physics books give us equations based on Newton's Second Law - but the truth seems to be that few if any really understand how transfers actually take place. I don't know - but the evidence is non-conflicting gf /
  5. swansont gf) Not true - the moon obeys the Laws of Conservation of Angular Momentum and broadens its orbit See also my response # 32 - if the subject interests you - S.K Runcorn's article is in the library system. Runcorn has passed on now - but I exchanged a number of e-mails with him about ancient coral - he was very gracious gf /
  6. Klaplunk gf) That is a very interesting question - The answer may not be to the liking of members of this forum - but the evidence is abundant and given the chance I think the answer will clear up some of histories mysteries Let me answer swansont first (and the question of the Morning star) than back to the religion of the Egyptians gf /
  7. swansont gf) True The moon's orbit maintains an agreement with the laws of angular momentum. Momentum being conserved the system must obey the law we call Conservation of Angular Momentum. Hence, when (for what ever reason) the earth's rotation changes - the moon must respond with an altered orbit. This has been known since at least 350 B.C. The statement is structured in the charismatic manner common of that day S. K. Runcorn was a British scientist who discovered remnant magnetism in the moon rock brought back by the Apollo astronauts. He wrote an article, "Corals as Paleontological Clocks," Scientific American, Vol. 215, No. 4, Pg. 26-33. October 1966. (offprint 871), Pg. 583. The essence of the article is as follows :: The banding on certain corals revealed not only annual growth, but monthly, and daily growth as well. Ancient coral thus provided clues to changes in the earth's rate of rotation, and hence to the length of the year and the length of the day in past eras. British scientist John W. Wells (who started the investigation reported in 1963 that his count of the fine bands within the annual bands in several coral ranged between 385 and 410 and averaged 400. In the article, S. K. Runcorn reminds us that with 400 days in a year, the earth would be rotating much faster than today, the moon, in compliance with the law of Conservation of Angular Momentum would have been much closer and would have appeared very large in the sky
  8. swansont gf) True Read S. K. Runcorn swansont gf) What do you mean "likely" -- tomorrow I'll give you the sources to solve the quesion - right now it is too late in the day gf
  9. mooeypoo you are attacking the wrong person - Perhaps you didn't read the insults waged by JohnB - QUOTE Where do you get this garbage? (Never mind, I know.) Talk about a mish mash. As a final note on Mr. Bowles knowledge and veracityUNQUOTE

    NOTE he obtained my name somewhere and is using it intimidate - please remove that comment you posted I'm merely questioning his credent...

  10. Klaynos gf) Not true -- who Horus's mother is, what the morning star is, and what passages from the Pyramid Texts found their way to the New Testament is very significant Here's why JohnB made the claim (that Klaynos supported) that Utterances should be quoted not articles (§) JohnB Klaynos The truth remains that the Pyramid Texts are written in a style that mixes different story lines in a single Utterance - so you can't quote Utterance you have to sort them out - this would be proven out if JohnB would answer the question If he doesn't I'll answer it and demonstrate how we work through the Pyramid Texts to understand what is being said gf
  11. swansont gf) Not true - let's start with insane_alien's claim that That is clearly false, In order for there to be an exchange of angular momentum the rotational speed of one must occur first - other wise there is nothing to exchange That said - the conservation of angular momentum does enter into the equation. This is how :: all earthquake change earth's rotational speed. When the speed decreases (and the day lengthens) - the moon accelerates and assumes a broader orbit. This has been a matter of some concern (and can be discussed later) still NASA has been monitoring it since the days of Apollo - when the crews of Apollo 11, 14, and 15 put laser reflectors on the moon to monitor the moon's broadening orbit. Currently this program (Lunar Laser Ranging) is being conducted by the University of Texas McDonald Observatory, along with another facility in New Mexico http://www.csr.utexas.edu/mlrs/ The program has recorded a 38 mm per year increase in the moon's orbit. You can figure out (given the mass of the earth and the moon) what magnitude of momentum must be exchanged to give the observed affect if you wish - but it will not be achieved with a microsecond a day (per every 8.8 magnitude earthquake). A few seconds is a far better figure. S. K. Runcorn wrote an article relating to this - I'll discuss it later http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_Laser_Ranging_Experiment g /
  12. insane_alien gf) angular momentum agreements must be between related objects - so I ask again and you have to fill in the brackets with what those two related objects are - and provide proof they relate to earthquake. Otherwise it's apparent you have no idea - and simply wrote it as a feint -- Fill in the blanks ::: And that angular momentum agreement is between ( ) and ( ) and the proof that it relates to earthquake is ( ) insane_alien gf) Wrong! Nor is it Jupiter - nor did anyone say it was Have JohnB tell us who Horus's mother is, what the morning star is, and what passages from the Pyramid Texts found their way to the New Testament! You may find that JohnB has no credentials - gf /
  13. insane_alien gf) And that angular momentum agreement is between ( ) and ( ) and the proof that it relates to earthquake is ( ) insane_alien gf) It's been the subject of at least 4 posts ( + / - ) and relates to the synchronization of the earth and Jupiter's Eye of Horus Have JohnB tell us who Horus's mother is, what the morning star is, and what passages from the Pyramid Texts found their way to the New Testament! You may find that JohnB has no credentials - gf /
  14. insane_alien gf) Not true - In 1991 NASA held a symposium, the minutes were written up by Sushel Unninayar & Kenneth H. Bergman under the title, Modeling the Earth System in the Mission to Planet Earth Era, NASA in July 1993 Therein they published a graph - not just of earthquake and the resultant changes to the earth's rotation - but they included a simultaneous correlation with ENSO events (El Nino Southern oscillation, as defined therein by NASA p 111) So not only do you have to explain earthquake and the resultant changes to the earth's rotation - but now you have to explain earthquake in terms of (El Nino) gf
  15. Klaynos gf) The 5 day synchronization exists today - given earth's 24 hour and Jupiter's 10 hour rotation All earthquakes change earth's rotation - there are over a million earthquakes per year so multiply a few seconds by a million than multiply by 4500 years - and it becomes very significant and the 5 day synchronization that exists today (remembering we don't know what has happened with Jupiter) - may not have existed 4500 years ago Evidence? You've systematically denied everything except Occult and you refuse to acknowledge the corrections - or have JohnB demonstrate his credentials by answering the questions I've posed Have JohnB tell us who Horus's mother is, what the morning star is, and what passages from the Pyramid Texts found their way to the New Testament! You may find that JohnB has no credentials - Scientists do not know the true limits of a Brown Dwarf - to claim otherwise would be a fabricaion gf
  16. Klaynos gf) Not true - It would be un-thinkable that an individual would ever see what was written on a noble person's coffin. The pyramid texts, on the other hand, were the basis (or perhaps the essence is a better phrase) of Egyptian society - which was very open. The religious philosophy expressed in the Pyramid Texts was repeated in a series of (I have not) type of commandments that ruled where ever the Egyptians went. They can be found in the Book of the Dead and on the Internet under the phrase The declaration of innocence Before the gods of the tribunal This about the declaration of innocence from the University of Arizona - and is very accurate http://www.u.arizona.edu/~afutrell/w%20civ%2008/declinno.html Klaynos It establishes credentials - I do not use the Internet as an authority (except, by example, it is from the U of Arizona, or Harvard) - JohnB on the other hand uses it exclusively - he cannot validate anything As to the 5 days vs 10 days - I made a geared device that (when I rotated it - it demonstrated the synchronization of the rotation of Jupiter and the earth. It turns out that there is a synchronization point at 5 days. But if we recognize that rotations may not be the same today as they were - it might have been that just the 10 day is valid Have JohnB tell us who Horus's mother is, what the morning star is, and what passages from the Pyramid Texts found their way to the New Testament! Then you'll know! gf
  17. Klaynos gf) Not true - the coffin texts are a collection of funerary texts that were written on coffins - some of the text material came from the Pyramid Texts - but that is as it should be as the Pyramid Texts served as the origin of the gods of the Egyptians for 3000 years Some of the Spells in the Book of the Dead originated with the Pyramid Texts as well - but that again is as it should be Have JohnB tell us who Horus's mother is, what the morning star is, and what passages from the Pyramid Texts found their way to the New Testament! Then you'll know! gf
  18. Klaynos gf) Not true (not even close) the Pyramid Texts are those 4000 lines of hieroglyphic texts from the pyramids of Saqqara - being written on stone - they are the purest record that exists in the world The Book of the Dead is a collection of Egyptian funerary papyri now stored in the British Museum Klaynos gf) decades is a modern word and is nowhere found in the Pyramid Texts Have JohnB tell us who Horus's mother is, what the morning star is, and what passages from the Pyramid Texts found their way to the New Testament! Then you'll know! gf
  19. Here is a very valid question - If JohnB ever read the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts (and was thereby qualified) - why is he quoting the Occult from the Internet? If you compare his quotes to those published in the Pyramid Texts - you'll find him in total error And anyone who quotes Utterances instead of articles §'s has no idea what they are doing. Utterances contain multiple story lines - and it's necessary that the story lines be recognized and separated. Let me give you an example - have JohnB tell you what the Morning Star is - and have JohnB tell you who Horus's mother is - the difference in what he might respond with and what is found in the Pyramid Texts might astound you It's the difference between science and the Occult BTW the Pyramid Texts contain many passages that eventually were included in the New Testament - it appears (given the difference between the Internet Occult version and the published version of the Pyramid Texts) that there might (I say might) be an effort to cover that up gf
  20. Klaynos gf) Did you notice Klaynos that JohnB is quoting the Occult from the Internet and is confusing the Pyramid Texts with the Book of the Dead? I am quoting from a published book the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts by the late Dr. R. O. Faulkner (fellow of University College, University of London) formally with the British Museum. The version I am quoting was published by Oxford University Press. It takes years and years to understand the Pyramid Texts - You cannot become an expert by quoting the Internet and that JohnB's only resource was the Internet demonstrates that he had no previous knowledge - and that he resorted to personal attacks suggests that he is less than objective You can confirm Dr. R. O. Faulkner's qualifications - can you confirm JohnB's Internet qualifications?
  21. JohnB gf) Not True you are quoting from the wrong book - The Book of the Dead is divided into paragraphs called Spells - there are no §'s or Utterance's in The Book of the Dead You are also in error by quoting the occult as your source - You did not obtain your quotes from the original source - Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts (your's is just mis-guided occult - and is in error). The passage (from the the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts) is as I stated it Utterance 497 And it makes no difference whether you quote articles ( § ) or Utterances. The Pyramid Texts are written in a metaphoric style, where subjects and speakers change within the same passage. And there is no sequence - so if you quote Utterances you could be quoting three different story lines. By example Horus doesn't come onto the scene until late (with Osiris and Isis) - yet you find him in the very beginning. Utterance 7 Another example - you have to be careful and quote only the Pyramid Texts - otherwise you come to think Isis is Horus's mother - but she isn't By the way - You'll read Biblical passages of the Baptism of Jesus in the very first passage of the Pyramid Texts - gf /
  22. Sisyphus gf) We can't speculate on the intent from the imagery alone - it's required (for proper solution) that we associate the proper phrases from text that defines the imagery We have to go to the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts for that. The Pyramid Texts are those 4000 lines of hieroglyphic inscriptions from the pyramids of Saqqara that were deciphered by means of the Rosetta Stone by Jean Francois Champollion c1821-22 One passage therefrom describes the 10 day festival it reads this way :: (§ 1067) In explanation .. Jupiter rotates once around every 10 hours, while the earth rotates once around every 24 hours. As each goes through their respective rotation .. it will take ten days for them to come back into synchronization and for Jupiter's Eye to appear again in exactly the same way .. and just as the ancient records say .. Earth's rotation changes with earthquake - and we don't know about Jupiter's - so today we could argue a synchronous point every five days - but that would violate the integrity of what had been written 4500 years ago on no more than a speculative venture gf
  23. mooeypoo Not true and cited for convenience only- I don't think anyone would question the credentials of James Clerk Maxwell - let me quote what his opinion is of your statement - this from the preface to Maxwell's, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism mooeypoo gf) Not true -- allow me to point out that you (mooeypoo) are guilty of your your own claims refuses to participate in a coherent conversation or abuses logical fallacies, or ignores claims, or participates in circular claims. Go back and read what I wrote - Harvard University substantiated everything I posted on the subject thread - You are repeating the same refusal used by moderators and participants to verify what you are claiming You are simply substantiating the need to revise the prerogatives exercised by the moderators That you didn't understand what Harvard posted - shows the bias that I have mentioned gf
  24. It was recently suggested that some of my posts fall outside the realm of currently accepted science, hence were closed or moved to this speculation section. In response, and with the objective of helping others who've had the same experience - I'd like to suggest (with examples given below) that the moderator's decisions have been made more on personal bias than scientific fact. I'll not expand on that except to point out that there have been (1672) views of the item "Why has my post been moved to Speculations?" posted by swansont - Whereon it is worthy to note that there have been no responses because the moderators have blocked that opportunity I'd like to use the rest of this opening space to give the group two examples of personal bias 1.) My thread Jupiter and the Eye of Horus was moved here (presumably because it falls outside the realm of currently accepted science) But the truth exists that today's cosmology evolved from that of the Assyrian, the Babylonian, the Chinese, and the work of Hipparcos (who discovered the drift of the Equinox c150 B.C., from Kepler c1600, and Tycho Brahe, court mathematician to Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II. By example - following is a website with Hipparcos and Tycho Brahe Star catalogues used by the European Space Agency http://www.rssd.esa.int/SA/HIPPARCOS/docs/vol2_all.pdf The sky-charts and sciences developed by these pioneers are the basis of today's cosmology. So too were the discoveries made and immortalized by the Egyptians - their methodologies differ - but their determinations were the same and they influenced scientific discovery for over 3000 years. 2.) This second example shows not only personal bias (by moderators and those responding) but dogged contentiousness on the part of both. Let's go to a Harvard University website where they not only use the term Centrifugal Force but they show that the force acts perpendicular to the inertial motion - this website demonstrates that everything said (by moderator and respondents alike) was wrong! The importance in pointing this out is that Klaynos mis-interpreted a cartoon that demonstrates all the issues that this Harvard University website addresses - the thread was thereafter closed http://sciencedemonstrations.fas.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k16940&pageid=icb.page118857&pageContentId=icb.pagecontent277660&view=view.do&viewParam_name=indepth.html#a_icb_pagecontent277660 Harvard University CAPTION What it shows: The rotation of a planet about its axis causes its equator to bulge due to the centrifugal force acting on its mass. Here a spinning wire frame simulates the effect. gf) NOTE : The force is radially outward and cuts the inertial plane of the rotating blades at right angles (i.e., perpendicular) As I repeated over and over on this centrifugal force thread http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/50732-centrifugal-force/ I hope this draws attention to the fact that moderators and those responding are basing their efforts on bias and not scientific fact gf /
  25. (§ 1806) is not the only passage of interest - the Ancients celebrated special events in festival form. There were three-day, sixth-day and ten-day festivals; and Festivals of Red Linen .. but the Ten-Day Festival described in (§ 1067) was remarkable in that it celebrated the periodic return of the Eye of Jupiter in coordination with earth's rotational status I'll post that passage - when swansont returns this thread to the astronomy section. swansont is not qualified to judge what is speculation and what is not - particularly in view of the fact that quoted passages support the iconographics 4500 years ago gf
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