gf ) There is nothing hidden in my intent, or in the manner I phrased the subject line :: Examining the "physics" in geophysics. I intend to challenge the tenets
You may have made the task a bit easier :: by example you wrote
gf) That is exactly the point :: "well-observed," "well-observed," "well-observed!"
Science is not about "well-observed!" It is about physical principles and the mathematical formulations that define and support those principles
Still I'll answer (in part) your three questions. But it can only be done (in part) because we have to set magma intrusions (as the driving force) aside and introduce a force that can be quantified. I intend to do that - but it's premature at this point
1.) My answer is that magma intrusions are incapable of exerting a lateral force.
2.) Magma has already gone through the only stage during which a force exists. That is the formation stage.
3.) When the ridge is open nothing prevents the intruding magma from just spilling harmlessly out on the ocean floor
4.) It is recognized by Cornell University (see noted 1) that magma does not open the ridge - the ridge must be open first - in order for magma to intrude (see quote below - the underlining is mine)
Noted 1. SOURCE :: D. L. Turcotte, "MAGMA MIGRATION," Department of Geological Services, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 14853.