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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I meant CAO calcuim oxide Thxs for ur help, the tips were very useful, and have proved successful enough for me to identify the compsites i require Thanks alot
  2. i have noticed a mistake in my previous thread, that i would like to clear up to sace confusion I wrote CACO3 , when i actually meant CACO, hence the burning off the CO2 Sorry to confuse Thx Donola , the novice
  3. To start i am a chemistry novice as such looking for help. I have a sample of building rendor, and need determine the lime content of the example. My theory (spot the flaws please), is to: (1)crush the sample into powder form (2) add a diluted Hydrochloric acid, (3)heat to drive off co2 (4)add water inorder to filter(to filter off aggregates from the building rendor, eg sands, stones etc) *note making weight measurements after all procedures My theory is that the lime will be broken down into its salts, which will be soluble in water, so i will be left with a solution of water and calcuim , magnesium, silca salts etc(lime). My questions are: Is this a flawed theory If not, could i use a crude filtering sysem eg Coffee filter *note , i do have a tolerence in the results i am looking for a resonable idea of the make up the material thks, please do not laugh at my basic knowledge thks
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