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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. The existing vBulletin database will not be modified in the conversion, and I plan to leave vB running in read-only mode once IPB is up. A few features will not be converted, such as user albums, so I'd like to leave the content available for users to download it if they want.
  2. I think rigney's not insinuating that the planets fly in some sort of formation. He's just asking why they've kept going in roughly the same orbits for so long, instead of Earth, say, getting flung past Jupiter because of Mars' influence.
  3. I think you will find that there are many comparative studies which look at the lifespan of those with diseases detected early and those without, and no mass screening program is started unless it's shown that it would save lives.
  4. Alternately, he was going to die after thirty years anyway, but this way he knew what was killing him. It's impossible to tell which is true from one example.
  5. You can still get them. They just can't be labelled "medicine." See nutritional supplements and herbal medicines. How exactly do you know it cures all diseases and gives humans a youthful existence if you can't test it in under ten billion years?
  6. On Monday, July 12th, ScienceForums.Net will be unavailable from approximately 5pm to 9pm GMT, or 12pm to 4pm ET. During that time, we'll be upgrading the server's operating system and converting SFN to use a brand new forum software -- expect big changes! During that time, we invite you to join us in the SFN chatroom, which will stay online for the duration of the upgrade. Please do not panic.
  7. I dunno about sensuality being evil. Most of the health advice I see says that sex is important. Also, see the following article: http://health.usnews.com/usnews/health/articles/070731/31dance.htm
  8. Hmm. Worth checking: Do you access Facebook from a mobile device, such as using the iPhone app? Have there been any incidents besides Facebook posts vanishing?
  9. The other half of heart disease cases -- the preventable half -- still makes up a huge portion of the deaths in Western societies, simply because heart disease is so prevalent. But then, I thought you were arguing that the advice we receive is "puritanical" in nature, not that there's no need to give advice at all. Earlier you were arguing that being underweight is a significant problem.
  10. There's a reason I moved avatars over to the right and made usernames big and immediately above post content. You're supposed to associate people with usernames. Apparently it hasn't been working...
  11. You can easily post on someone else's Wall and then delete your own post. People who post on your wall can delete their messages at will.
  12. More detail please. Are they accessing your accounts? What kind of accounts? Bank info? ufw and firestarter are both layers on top of iptables, iirc, so as long as you use similar rules, there's no differences there. What Linux distro are you using anyway? I know Ubuntu has a no-open-ports-by-default policy as it is, so a firewall is basically unnecessary. Are you using an unencrypted wireless network anywhere?
  13. You'll have to describe what they're doing in more detail. Accessing your online accounts? Accessing your computer? What? I'd also suggest checking your security questions -- the ones that some sites ask you when you've forgotten your passwords. Also, don't use unencrypted Wi-Fi.
  14. I think, to be more accurate, [math]\lim_{x\to \infty} \frac{1}{x} = 0[/math]
  15. Oh dear. Sponsored blogs? Can't be a good idea. I'd love to take an opportunity to position SFN blogs to get high-profile authors, although I think the blogs need some work before attracting loads of traffic. Hm...
  16. Does that benefit outweigh the probability that you'll die of lung cancer long before you get Alzheimer's? Probably because we have a much larger problem with obesity than with underweight people. There's a big anti-anorexia campaign too, of course. It's just targeted to younger people.
  17. There's an operating system kernel that can be mathematically proven to do exactly what it should do: http://ertos.org/research/l4.verified/ Microkernels make a big effort towards greater stability by providing the bare minimum of services in the kernel and splitting everything else up into "daemons" that can be restarted easily if they crash. Preventing user-space software (web browsers and such) from crashing is much harder, since the software is often huge (millions of lines of code). You can put as many safeguards in the operating system as you want, but you can't guard against programmers accidentally making the program do the wrong thing.
  18. Check out the HAL 9000 "megabuild" of DOSBox. Apparently it supports printing: http://home.arcor.de/h-a-l-9000/ (click Megabuild 4+5) After that, I'd look over on the DOSBox forums for help. There are quite a few discussions that I saw on their forums about it; try searching for "lpt" or "printing" and you might dig up the answers. http://vogons.zetafleet.com/index.php?c=7 Hope that helps.
  19. Yes. The decision not to approve the stimulus may be stupid (I have no idea), but it's not austerity. I read The Times and I hear all about austerity measures in the UK. The government has demanded 10-25% spending cuts from almost every department, froze salaries, cut defense programs, and planned to fire thousands of workers. That's not the same as refusing to increase spending. It's a deliberate spending cut.
  20. Perhaps nobody knows the answer.
  21. That is indeed what I'm trying to say. "Austerity" would imply radical government programs to cut spending and decrease the deficit. Austerity measures in the United Kingdom have involved laying off thousands of public-sector employees, cutting government pensions, killing off wasteful government programs, freezing employee salaries, and forcing government ministers to fly coach class. So far, no such thing has happened in the US. There has not yet been a concerted effort to decrease the deficit, nor has public spending been significantly decreased. Government jobs are safe for the moment. What has happened is a Congressional refusal to fund a new spending program. Austerity implies (by definition) "austere" and "ascetic" living conditions, with few frills or benefits. It implies massive spending cuts.
  22. As in, a link to another website? Just copy it from your address bar and paste it into your post. Like so: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
  23. Uhm, no. Most economists (and The Economist) consider "austerity" to be deficit-cutting measures: That is not the same thing as not passing more stimulus.
  24. "Austerity" implies an economy that cuts pensions, cuts public spending, raises taxes, and cuts public services. It implies an ascetic government. Refusal to pass a stimulus does not mean austerity. Now, if someone attacked "the sources of the country’s huge medium-term deficit by, for instance, reforming social security," as the Economist suggests, that would be austerity.
  25. If you need DOS working on your Windows 7 machine, I'd check out DOSBox, a DOS emulator that runs on Windows: http://www.dosbox.com/information.php?page=0
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