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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showpost.php?p=555883&postcount=119 http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showpost.php?p=556340&postcount=148 (explains the first link) http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showpost.php?p=555865&postcount=115 (does dimensional analysis of the resulting equation) There you go.
  2. http://math.scienceforums.net/Vector%20calculus/Conservative%20fields Quite a few, as I wrote in the above link.
  3. Or, if we're using vector forces, if you add opposing vectors with equal magnitude, you get the zero vector.
  4. The Times today is suggesting that the troops violated the rules of engagement: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/iraq/article7088548.ece Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged That good people can do bad things in a bad situation is well established -- see the Stanford Prison Experiment. This does not, however, make those bad things any less bad.
  5. Do you know what "radians" are? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ theta L | \ | r \ | R \ | \ | --------------------------------------------------------A------------------ That's the triangle. You can see that the trig identities in post 72 work, assuming you know what radians are. (L is s in the textbook's example in 72.) As L goes to infinity in either direction, theta goes to either zero or pi.
  6. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/06/world/middleeast/06baghdad.html Close enough.
  7. It was an Apache gunship. Apaches are designed to take 23mm gunfire and survive. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AH-64_Apache#Design The gun the helicopters were firing was the nose-mounted 30mm cannon.
  8. What about the bit after they're wounded and being picked up? I might note the current rules of engagement in Afghanistan prohibit soldiers from firing on people without weapons, even if they just put down their guns and walked out of their building. Soldiers are frustrated -- there will be people they know are insurgents but can't fire upon -- but there will be far fewer civilian casualties.
  9. Well, there's this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_winter#2007_study_on_global_nuclear_war A global average surface cooling of –7°C to –8°C persists for years, and after a decade the cooling is still –4°C (Fig. 2). Considering that the global average cooling at the depth of the last ice age 18,000 yr ago was about –5°C, this would be a climate change unprecedented in speed and amplitude in the history of the human race. The temperature changes are largest over land ... Cooling of more than –20°C occurs over large areas of North America and of more than –30°C over much of Eurasia, including all agricultural regions. I think the "destroy the population several times" estimates were simply based on the casualties at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and some multiplication, but as the Wikipedia article above shows, there are at least enough nukes around to cause global catastrophe.
  10. I seem to recall that, in fact, the nuclear nations of the world have enough weapons to destroy most of the earth several times over.
  11. I agree, and it bothers me too. It's so much easier to attack other people's opinions when you don't know them.
  12. Hence "If you were the Intelligent Designer..."
  13. Why, exactly, is direct revenge (on a comparable scale to the original attack) necessary? If it's merely for deterrent, I'd think the knowledge that we have the ability, through cruise missiles and stealth aircraft, to destroy your headquarters, airbases, fuel dumps, and critical infrastructure, whenever we want, would suffice.
  14. The "war" ended back in 2003, if you ask the administration. Our role is policing, not conquering.
  15. So... if I have to integrate: [math]\int_0^2 x^2 \, dx[/math] ...your method would be to do this? [math]\int_0^2 x^2 \, dx = x^2 x[/math] Curious. Note that the integrals in the expressions you gave are [imath]\oint_{C_2}[/imath] -- note the C2. That means they're along paths, so you do the definite integral along the path. The paths in this case are the wires. You are not doing any definite integration. That is wrong.
  16. ambros, please point out the specific flaw in my equations (preferably pointing to one specific step), and of course the specific flaw in the four sources that I have cited that directly agree with me.
  17. It's hard to justify "they were threatening me with their AK-47s" when you're in an armored attack helicopter.
  18. The evangelical author Ray Comfort, famous for releasing a new edition of On the Origin of Species with a 50-page introduction denying evolution and linking Darwin to Hitler, has agreed to be interviewed by SFN. We need some questions, of course, so what non-evolution-related questions do you have for Mr. Comfort? (I don't want more evolution questions because he's already done the topic to death in previous interviews, in the book, and pretty much everywhere.) You can learn more about Comfort at his website and on Wikipedia. Questions on the relation between science and religion and so on are fair game, but I don't want to just ask a bunch of "What about reason x for believing in evolution?" questions because they won't be very productive.
  19. So if we make Classical Physics also encompass E&M, what other changes do we have to make to reorganize?
  20. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/06/world/middleeast/06baghdad.html The New York Times picked it up.
  21. Why?
  22. I did. BIPM wants force per unit length, so I gave that. Look at the equations. I never divided by infinity, for one thing. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged There's two electron drift velocities at play here -- there are two wires, and their currents can be going in opposite directions. My point is that your "dl" in the equation is a pointless fudge introduced to make the equation seem to work, not a real physical quantity. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Incidentally, the equation I gave will not give the correct results unless at least one wire is infinitely long. The L term is the length of only one wire, since the other wire is assumed to be infinitely long in the first integration. (Hence the choice of [imath]\theta_1[/imath] and [imath]\theta_2[/imath].)
  23. I like reddit until they get so focused on one story ("WIKILEAKS RELEASES VIDEO!!!!1!!!1!!") that they just upvote a dozen copies of it, and no other news for that day.
  24. Much of our morality seems to be based on the principle of reducing suffering. Objectively, this technique reduces suffering, because the interrogators "inflict" pleasure upon the prisoner. Under a simple moral structure, it's perfectly moral.
  25. I just subscribed to the RSS for World news only, so we'll see how good this is. You flatterer, you, no wonder you've gotten so many torturers. Incidentally, you inspired me to finish up another blog post: http://blogs.scienceforums.net/capn/2010/04/05/moderation-observations-part-2/
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