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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Also, go get a thermometer, they're cheap. It could come in handy, especially if you discover you have a dangerously high fever.
  2. Good grief, guys, that's enough of that.
  3. If you have the density but no volume or radius, there's no way to determine the size or mass. Do you have any other additional information?
  4. This is not strictly true. Individuals are guaranteed protections against rights violations from both the state and federal government (by the 14th amendment), but specific restrictions of the federal government's power do not apply to the states. For example, all of Article 1 Section 8 enumerates the powers available to the federal government, but does not say anything about the powers of the state governments. It does not apply to them.
  5. I thought that auto insurance requirements were issued by the states, which are not necessarily constitutionally restricted the way the federal government is. Is that not the case?
  6. Please stay on topic. Or, if this is on topic, please be more obvious about it.
  7. Indeed. We need to make sure the integral/S will be noticed by people who don't know what an integral is. We'll have to tinker with it. I agree with the URL being shoved too close -- I think it should be centered under the sf(n) instead. We can stand using fifty extra pixels of space.
  8. What will the target be? I can't imagine flight data recorders surviving launch from that and impact with a very solid target.
  9. Cool. I still like the current logo's rings better (darker/thicker on one end), but I like the integral and colors on this. Are the balls on the rings supposed to represent something?
  10. If we're going to have a background, I think there are better options than lens flare. Also, I like the irregular angles of the ovals in the current logo. The integral's fun though.
  11. Also, condescension grates on people.
  12. Whoa, nice overview there. I'm going to have to look through that more carefully. After all the debates I completely lost track of what the new bill covers.
  13. I've been digging through our site statistics lately and I thought I'd reveal a few tantalizing details. In the past year, SFN has had over 1,000,000 unique visitors. They have made a combined total of over 3,300,000 page views, and downloaded almost 150 GB of content each month. The past year has seen over 70,000 new posts and over 10,500 new threads. Just a month ago, we set a record of 199 users online at once. And earlier this year, we broke 500,000 posts! Great job, everyone. SFN is becoming a bigger and better community for everyone. Let's hope the next year is even better.
  14. I just did some tinkering. Does SFN feel slower, faster, or just the same for you? (Google Webmaster Tools informed me that SFN is slow, so I figured I'd mess around a bit. Hope it worked.)
  15. I love it when people argue that they're not being demeaning by being demeaning. Aside from chocolate and vanilla, irony is my favorite flavor. I think you have the self control to look at your post before hitting Submit Reply and think, "They probably won't like that, will they?" That doesn't mean you have to demean them for holding the opinion. In fact, that's the last thing you should do, because it puts them on the defensive and makes them less likely to accept your arguments. Once you've demeaned a user, Alex's First Law comes into effect, and you will never change their mind. I have seen this happen over and over again. Calling someone an idiot just makes them seek every possible way of proving you wrong, rather than making them consider the flaws in their position. Kindness is good strategy.
  16. I haven't found a good summary of the bill yet, but one thing I heard was that it would require health insurance companies to spend at least 85% of premiums on actual healthcare, rather than taking as much as they can. Now, I don't know (a) if that's true or (b) just how large their overhead is, anyway, but it seems like an interesting start to reducing exorbitant profits. But if they're already at that 85% mark, I guess it's pointless.
  17. I thought the point of the bill was to extend coverage to those who can't afford it, not punish the big bad insurance companies. By subsidizing coverage and removing claim caps, the bill takes steps to meet that goal.
  18. When I read this, I had a vision of an Australian wildlife tour guide dangling a chicken from a pole over a crocodile. It's okay to put other people on the hook, but stop trying to eat them. That's the point we're trying to make.
  19. Of course not. My opinion is always officially the best.
  20. So is your problem with schoolchildren reciting the hymn or with Congress making it "official" by using it?
  21. If schools gave students the option of alternately singing a Hindu hymn (do they have hymns? I have no idea) instead of the Pledge, would that also violate the establishment clause, despite being optional?
  22. I believe iNow appeals to rules much higher than ours: http://xkcd.com/386/
  23. Enjoy! I shall be following your RSS feed. (Well, I'll be following the global WordPress RSS feed...) I hope to make blogs more visible to users in the future.
  24. Hmm. Given the current organization of the Physics forum, and the difficulty of rearranging thousands of old Physics threads, what do you think would be the best name? Is there a better title we can give the various Physics subforums?
  25. Nope. From the court's decision:
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