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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. X-ray film works the same way ordinary black-and-white film works, except the chemicals are probably adjusted to be more sensitive to x-ray wavelengths rather than visible wavelengths. It's not that the x-rays make part of the image dark -- rather, the image you see from an x-ray is a negative. The film is developed, and it's easier to get a negative enlarged image, so they don't bother converting it to a "real" image. Negatives look cooler too.
  2. You could use natural light, but it would have to be incredibly bright. Ever used a magnifying glass and the Sun to set something on fire? It can be done.
  3. Have you suddenly become very grumpy lately? Please. You could explain your position instead of grumpily stating "these statements are false" and leaving without explanation.
  4. Dunno. The smoke devices often just use a small charge to blast the phosphorus into the air, and white phosphorus burns intensely in air. So the smoke protection devices are effectively incendiaries as well, if there's anything nearby. They may try to fragment the phosphorus into smaller pieces so it burns up quickly, though.
  5. Here's the relevant part of the treaty: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/int/convention_conventional-wpns_prot-iii.htm "All feasible precautions" makes this pretty broad, unfortunately.
  6. Cap'n Refsmmat


    It will also post Onion quotes about itself repeatedly in discussion forums.
  7. The white phosphorus was deployed by artillery. I doubt you can find artillery that can drop a white phosphorus shell into a convenient 100m square, rather than hitting buildings or civilians. So I'd say an open square with a basketball court and a building around it probably counts as a "civilian area." From the first page of the thread:
  8. I think that sums it up. Also, most tanks I know of can generate their own smoke cover if necessary. Usually they have smoke grenade canisters on the sides of the turret and can drip diesel fuel onto the exhaust manifold to create a nice white smoke cloud.
  9. It should be reasonably easy to determine if these people are truly being "assaulted" by microwave systems or not. All that is needed is a Faraday cage and some way to do a blind test -- so they don't know whether the cage is on them or not.
  10. I think it may be an edited reprint that they scanned, rather than the original 1849 edition. There might be a foreword or something that was written later and is still under copyright.
  11. Good lord, guys. Grow up. Moderators are not weapons to be thrown around, and threatening "I reported your post" is pointless. We will deal with the report if we believe there's a problem. (We're still discussing it at the moment.) Now kindly get back on topic. Using threats and character assassination is not a good idea.
  12. http://altmed.creighton.edu/Homeopathy/philosophy/dilution.htm http://altmed.creighton.edu/Homeopathy/Glossary.htm
  13. Yes, the chemical is added to water, but it is then diluted into oblivion, to the point where it's likely the chemical is no longer even part of the medication.
  14. Get yourself a bat detector. They're designed to make the echolocation signals of bats (which are ultrasound) audible to humans. http://www.econvergence.net/batdet.htm or just Google around for other kinds. Dogs can only hear up to 40kHz or so, so the whistle should be 20kHz-40kHz. Get a bat detector that can operate in that range.
  15. So then is the hypothesis that everything has a cause unfalsifiable, if you can postulate unknown causes? That makes it meaningless.
  16. Perhaps we should take a break from this, since it's clearly not going anywhere at the moment. Eight pages of argument and everybody's annoyed and worn out. Here's what I suggest. pywakit, it's great that you have your theory, but consider what it must mean for everyone to think there's something wrong with it; I suggest you take some time to comb carefully through their comments, do research on each, and refine your ideas. Perhaps there are things to be learned and new ideas to be found in the comments and arguments in this thread. Also, it's very hard for us to criticize a somewhat vague theory. Look through the misunderstandings and confusion in this thread and see what can be clarified and what can be adjusted to make clear just what exactly your model predicts. Offer us evidence that conflicts with Big Bang theory but agrees with your model, and so on. Perhaps you can post again when you've revised, researched, and rewritten. Until then, this thread will only frustrate everyone. (Also, you might consider getting a SFN blog to post progress on your idea, and wait to use the forums when you think it's "ready.")
  17. How does this show that human-caused global warming is a myth? It just explains why the last decade wasn't as hot as we expected it to be.
  18. That's enough. Anyone with complaints to make should direct them to me privately.
  19. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Then you're very limited -- you can't, for example, imitate a calligraphic pen with a flexible nib, where as you draw strokes of letters the varying pressure changes the width of the lines. A pressure sensor would be a pretty trivial addition, though.
  20. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Right, and bascule was asking about pressure-sensitive pens. You know, press harder and the line gets thicker.
  21. Cap'n Refsmmat


    The screen is not pressure-sensitive though.
  22. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Unfortunately I don't think Apple is big on styluses, and I don't know how well you can do handwriting recognition when you're drawing with your finger on the screen. There was a demo of a drawing application at the launch event, though.
  23. It does. You'll probably want to go to your User Control Panel, hit Edit Options, scroll down to Thread Display Options, and adjust Number of Posts to Show Per Page.
  24. Those are not contradictory items, so they would not be A and ~A. They are merely two options out of many. (That's not to say some propositions in each may contradict -- that may be the case. But you can't believe both contradictory propositions at the same time. You can, however, believe that both books are generally right.)
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