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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=muscle&a=*C.muscle-_*Material- It's not generally supposed to be an encyclopedia. It's supposed to contain data and perform various calculations with it.
  2. We upgraded this server to Karmic this afternoon. No problems so far, although of course servers don't have all the graphical programs to worry about...
  3. Electronegativity is usually used to describe atoms inside molecules, so you can describe how electrons in the bonds will be shared and so on. Fluorine is thus the most electronegative element when bonded. I don't know about electronegativity of free nuclei and such though.
  4. Cap'n Refsmmat


    No, although a moderator can change them for you.
  5. The old username was simply "Zolar V". You can try logging in under that name; if you don't remember the password, there should be a link saying "forgot my password" that will have it email you a new password to your @aol.com email address. (If that address is no longer functioning, I can change it for you.)

  6. I don't think "Is religion right?" arguments belong anywhere, really, because they'll never work. The only discussion you could feasibly have is discussion about the philosophical bits of it, not the truth of it. Faith is not easily argued.
  7. We used to have a [diag] tag that used diagxy for diagrams. I'm not sure why it's no longer available. Perhaps I can hack it back in sometime, unless Dave removed it for a particular reason.
  8. The concentration of alcohol used in hand sanitizers to reliably kill stuff is 62%; I doubt you'll be able to do too much with alcohol in your stomach simply by drinking it. I don't know how effective a limited concentration would be, but to something that lives in hydrochloric acid, I can't imagine it doing too much.
  9. Here, infinitesolid, you can learn some Newtonian mechanics online from one of the more entertaining professors I've seen: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Physics/8-01Physics-IFall1999/VideoLectures/index.htm Some of the math may throw you off, but it's the concepts that matter most at first. On the left-hand side you'll also see lecture notes, assignments and exams available for download.
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapon_design I seriously doubt walsh will get his hands on some fissile plutonium, and this is common-knowledge stuff, so here you go. There's a lot of info there.
  11. Invite a bunch of people on stage, hypnotize them (and get rid of the ones who don't go along with it too well), and start suggesting they do stupid stuff like have sex with their chairs. In stage hypnosis, a lot of what works is a combination of the hypnosis, what the subject thinks hypnosis can do, and the volunteers's willingness to do crazy stuff on stage. Remember, they volunteered, and they probably knew it was going to be risqué beforehand; you don't do that kind of show at Chuck-E-Cheese. So part of it is the "power" of hypnosis; part of it is that you end up preselecting the people who are most willing to do crazy stuff in front of an audience with the excuse that "well, I was hypnotized!" The majority of what I have read suggests you can't just make people do anything you want them to do under hypnosis; what you can achieve depends on how clever you are, how willing the subject is, and what they believe you are capable of achieving. Clearly if they think "he'll be able to make me do anything, and I can't resist; this will be fun", they'll probably do anything you want them to do.
  12. By the commentary on the video, it sounds like that was intentional. Not sure why it would be, though; perhaps they wanted to test how some of the parts behaved or something.
  13. You know, slowing down and communicating properly would probably make this thread go a lot more easily.
  14. Those are the x-coordinates of the points on the graph with slope -1. Then you find the y-coordinate using your equation [imath]y=\frac{1}{x-1}[/imath] so you get the complete coordinate. You can stick the x and y into y=mx+b, using -1 as the slope, and find out the equations (solving for b).
  15. They're supposed to be stage hypnosis shows.
  16. Win.
  17. Indeed. I recently re-adjusted the system to put more weight on accumulated rep points and less weight on how long you've been a member. Some of the staff have said they wish they could hand out less points at a time, or take away less points at a time.
  18. The trick is that there isn't just sodium hydroxide in bleach. There is sodium hypochlorite, and sodium hypochlorite can give off chlorine gas when mixed with the wrong things.
  19. If you don't want your threads hijacked, why bait the people you are carefully attempting to avoid naming? Really, iNow, I know you're frustrated with people you believe are totally wrong injecting their opinions into every thread you make. But you are not helping the situation by trying to bully them into shutting up. You're turning yourself into your own kind of troll.
  20. Please. Realize that you are talking to two actual physicists (swansont and ajb) who know very well what they are talking about. Perhaps they are mistaken about something, or perhaps you are; in either case, the best way to solve the problem is not repeating yourself and making your font bigger but answering questions and presenting good evidence. swansont and ajb raise valid questions about your points. They're being perfectly civil in doing so. Please, stay civil yourself; if you don't, I'll have to close this thread. This kind of behavior is not welcome on SFN.
  21. Do you really believe it is possible to win an argument by telling your opponent they are shortsighted and attacking others because they know their position is groundless? You just make them angry at you; the statement otherwise has no persuasive value whatsoever. You achieve nothing but making yourself feel better about your opinion and making them feel worse about you. In other words, there is nothing persuasive about "I'm clearly right, so you're clearly just attacking me because you have nothing to stand on." You may have made cogent arguments earlier in the thread, but this kind of crap is no substitute for further discussion. As Sisyphus said, "there's plenty of juvenile, bullying behavior all around. Good work, everyone!" That's all for this thread. I hope next time there can be a more substantive debate.
  22. This forum does not exist to put down other members. That goes for all of you.
  23. It is the operating system serving this post to you right now. We've found it to be very nice all-around, and very stable.
  24. I think it was humor.
  25. Posts like this feed the trolls more than any other post you could make. Take someone who thinks they're right and call them a troll and you just make them think they're right and everyone else is trying to persecute them. That doesn't make the situation any better.
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