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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Check that your browser has cookies enabled. You can also try checking the "Remember Me" box to see if that fixes it.
  2. How are you to decide what is testable and what is not? I would think the validity of each would be best determined by the scientific literature.
  3. Ah. So my formulation of the hypothesis wasn't strong enough for you. Well, let's take the same sentence and invert it: "Natural selection, sexual selection, and genetic drift cause species to change over time." Is that specific enough? It's certainly falsifiable -- we could determine if those mechanisms actually do cause species to change. Or are you looking for a formulation of the hypothesis that all species evolved from one common ancestor?
  4. Ah. Discounting the fact that there are two #5s in your original post, my current problem is that you do not define what you want very well. But here's an attempt: The theory of evolution, in one falsifiable hypothesis: "Species change over time through mechanisms such as natural selection, sexual selection, and genetic drift." The details can be found in any of the links posted so far. Or is that not what you wanted? Your post is not very clear, just rather long.
  5. I already posted for you a link to a very nice guide:
  6. Okay. http://talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-intro-to-biology.html
  7. http://www.snopes.com/oldwives/hairgrow.asp
  8. Positive or negative. It depends on which way you approach 0 from. So the limit in general is undefined.
  9. Dry ice will make fog just sitting there, but if you pour water on it plumes of fog come out. You just have to be careful about the whole thing about dry ice being incredibly cold. Make sure the container is insulated and you can remove it if it starts freezing you. So some way of selectively pouring water onto the dry ice would work, as long as you have a good supply of dry ice and you don't injure yourself with the dry ice.
  10. I help run a science forum. Does that count?
  11. Why not just wear a gas mask or scuba tank?
  12. But what happens to the size of the object as it moves down the field? One person sees it as getting bigger and the other sees it as getting smaller.
  13. I am just curious how something can be changing size as it moves away from one person when it is simultaneously moving closer to another person at the opposite end of the field and growing larger. How would you describe what is happening in that situation?
  14. Neveos, could you please answer my question in post #27 above? D H is right, by the way. If you want to act like you're right and the accepted ideas are wrong, you will need to put up evidence that shows it.
  15. What happens if we, say, put one person on each end of a football field and move a lightbulb from one person to the other? What happens to the lightbulb as it is moved? I ask because I'm still a little confused about Neveos's hypothesis here and would like some clarification.
  16. What exactly is the other domain that would work?
  17. Okay, this is enough. The question's been answered already. AltAirPilot517: Perhaps some people haven't heard the acronym before. Google showed no uses of "VY CM" in the context of a star for several pages... the star you're looking for popped up only when I say Canis Majoris in another result and changed the search terms around. There's nothing wrong with asking for clarification of what you mean. When he knew the full name of the star he was able to answer your question. So this is quite enough arguing for this thread. (Also: moderators are volunteer staff members who help regulate discussions and have the power to delete and move posts around. They enforce the rules.)
  18. I presume you mean VY Canis Majoris. Unfortunately I cannot find any information about which arm of the galaxy it is in, except for what constellation it's located in. Perhaps there's a map of the galaxy somewhere with a scale in light-years that you can use to locate the arms within 5000 light-years of Earth?
  19. Because "We've just received a distress signal from Alpha Centauri!" "Maximum power. Let's hope they can last twenty years..." doesn't make for a fun TV show.
  20. Looks like occasionally PHP decides to eat all of our memory and slow the server to a crawl. I've made a change which should limit the problem.
  21. What is the target audience of this? The general public, or people who are interested in physics and are considering studying it? That makes a big difference in any criticism I might make.
  22. At least Gore shared his with the IPCC scientists. But really. I could see doing this three years from now when it's possible to see Obama's contributions to world diplomacy and their effects on the world. But after nine months of presidency? Really? edit: interesting linkage: http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2009/10/09/nobel-committee-member-nuclear-disarmament-efforts-won-obama-the-prize/
  23. After looking through your past posts, it's apparent you're not going to be the sort of person we have to keep out of Politics. I've thus let you in.
  24. No. What matters is their power at the time.
  25. You don't teach creativity -- you just let students keep the creativity they start out with. A fascinating TED talk: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html
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