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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. A nuclear missile submarine would be an ideal choice. They can survive for months at a time just with internal supplies, and if you take along a fishing net you could outlast the zombies.
  2. The clear solution is a small nuclear power plant, a bunker, a very large chainsaw chain stretching around the bunker, and a few replacement chains in case of wear. And maybe a railgun, since you have the electricity to power it.
  3. From what I understand, the actual shape is still up for discovery, but a doughnut is one of the possibilities.
  4. I think that answers the OP's question quite well, actually. In any case, I think the gesture in the image violates our anti-vulgarity rule, so I have removed it.
  5. Thanks, everyone. It'll be interesting to see where SFN is in five years, and I hope I'm still a part of it.
  6. As of today, January 4th (well, it's still today here...), I've been a member on SFN for five years. Wow. Back when I joined I knew practically nothing about science, hardly understood the conversations on the forum, and of course made about 25 posts per day. (I still hate reading old threads that I posted in. You can tell I was clueless.) In the time since, I've learned enough that I can actually participate and sound somewhat intelligent (at least I think), become a member of staff, turned 17, and learned how to manage a complex Linux server. Without the existence of SFN, I would never have learned as much about science or been nearly as interested in it. I've learned a lot from this community, and I hope I can help SFN do the same for others. Thank you, members and viewers of SFN! You have made me the nerd I am today.
  7. That would, unless we do some very clever CSS-ing. I'll see if I can do that. I don't think the rank under avatars is quite blatantly obvious enough though. We might still keep staff italicized or something.
  8. I just merged the other thread on Israel's invasion (Reaper's post above) into this one. Sorry for any confusion.
  9. What attracts zombies? Surely if you stayed invisible (hidden away in your attic with food, silently) and didn't attract attention by going out and killing the zombies, they wouldn't feel the need to find you.
  10. Before we continue, we need to agree upon a standard: What kills a zombie? Does it have to be beheaded, or does massive injury in general suffice?
  11. Real men have a chainsaw in place of one of their hands. At least I have the double-barreled shotgun. Evil Dead, anyone?
  12. As many as you'd like, although dave will probably shoot me at some point for making him so much work
  13. So then why does the "counter force", gravity, push us toward the sun if the vacuum force is pulling in all directions equally?
  14. Yeah. The colors just didn't seem to work well in the first place, so I'm trying to find a better combination of colors. I'll see if there's something that works well. Ideally I could make it invisible unless the user is actually online. That'd reduce clutter a bit. (Edit: Done. That makes it a little better.) Would it help if it was the same color as the username and such also displayed there? It certainly helps. I'll keep your suggestions in mind and try to make things as clean as I can get them. Thanks! Any other comments or suggestions would be welcome.
  15. [math]mg + \frac{mv^2}{r} = mg(1 + \frac{v^2}{rg})[/math] Watch what happens when you distribute the last bit: [math]mg + mg \times \frac{v^2}{rg}[/math] The extra g cancels out, leaving: [math]mg + \frac{mv^2}{r}[/math]
  16. The Earth is surrounded by a vacuum. Why should that vacuum want to suck us in one particular direction?
  17. Any color suggestions? I like the background D H showed, but I'd need to know what the other colors (bar at the top of the posts, background, etc.) should be as well, and I suck at color-choosing.
  18. Yeah, that's the way it tends to be. My approach to this theme was to worry less about colors (dave did the icons and colors, anyway) but instead focus on streamlining the layout so what you want to see -- posts -- is the focus. Most vB styles you see (including the default one) feature random information like the number of posts a user has at the top of each post in its own bar (see it here). I said "nobody cares" and feature only the username and date, sticking all the other information at the bottom of posts where you can find it if you actually care. If there are any other ways I can make the style better for readibility, I'd love to hear them. I think style is a big part in how people perceive a forum and in what makes it seem conducive to conversation. I'd also appreciate it if everyone would take a look at my experimental style and comment on the changes I've made in that. I think it's rather cool, but then I might just be warped. (Perhaps "might" isn't the correct word there.) If that's your final answer, I can install it for you.
  19. But force doesn't represent movement -- it merely can cause it. Much in the same way that acceleration isn't velocity -- it merely implies a change in velocity.
  20. You are making this far more complicated than it is, I think. Force isn't motion. It's something that can cause motion, but it isn't motion.
  21. It represents force. And force, unless opposed, can create movement. It is not movement by itself.
  22. A new color scheme would require first finding colors that actually work, then re-doing all the assorted vB icons and buttons to match it. Dave would have to do the latter, as I suck at that. On the other hand, if there's a style on vBulletin.org you particularly like (take a look around there) I can install it in about five minutes. D H: I'm going to see if there are colors for administrator usernames that work better. Are the ones for resident experts and mods okay?
  23. Except that they've got the details off -- the Confederates should be the authoritarian ones The Confederacy was the first to establish a forced draft, among other things, and Texas nearly started a war against the Confederacy because it was being too dictatorial in its approach to fighting the war.
  24. Think about it this way: Morse code works through having two different types of "signal": dot and dash. Mix up the dots and dashes in different orders and they represent different things. The same applies to the optical disc. As you spiral in from the outside of the disc toward the inside, there can be two kinds of "signal": pit or no pit. (The laser reflects differently off of each, making it apparent to the CD drive which kind each is.) The combinations of pit and no pit decide what information is on the disc. (Except instead of Morse code it's all in binary, of course.)
  25. Showing the bottoms of your shoes to someone is considered a great insult in their culture because they're the lowest part of you and considered dirty. Throwing your shoes at someone seems a logical extension of that.
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