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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Added. If it messes up the box because it's so long, tell me (and explain what it's doing) and I'll see if I can fix it up some.
  2. I could hack the reputation system to allow it, but I guess the easiest way to do that would be to put a note in the reputation-giving box saying "If you want the user to know who gave them this reputation, sign your username at the end of the comment" or something similar. It's a per-usergroup setting to allow people to see who gave them reputation.
  3. If people don't want reputation to be anonymous, I can allow you to see who left reputation. What would you prefer?
  4. Let's suppose t = 5. You put t into f(t-2) and it gives you the same answer you'd get if you did f(3) -- so at t = 5 it's graphing what was originally at t=3. Hence it's to the right.
  5. Much like the [noparse][/noparse] tags, which keep BBCode from being parsed inside them and allow you to make BBCode examples.
  6. Try this: SELECT Title FROM Table1 WHERE '" & cboCode.value &"' = '" & Table1.Code & "' or something like that to make it concatenate. (result of a quick google search)
  7. Okay, I concede the post the infraction was issued for was not particularly deserving of an infraction by itself. I therefore changed the infraction to have been issued for a different post which required it more. That does not mean that you should continue to go around posting whatever you think is right without some referencing. All we ask is a link to something that agrees with you.
  8. In any case, the infraction should not be taken as merely for one post, but as an infraction for an accumulation of similar offenses.
  9. It's in the little legend at the bottom of the index page.
  10. We have already located the missing pieces. They come out as heat and other forms of energy that we can detect easily enough.
  11. A handy website: http://www.rhymezone.com/r/rhyme.cgi?Word=theory&typeofrhyme=perfect&org1=syl&org2=l
  12. No. You have 0.1 moles in one liter of solution: 0.1M means 0.1 moles per 1 liter. Molarity tells you how many moles there are in one liter of solution. If you have 0.1 moles, and each mole ways 292.24g, how much do you have?
  13. Molarity is [math]\frac{\mbox{moles of solute}}{\mbox{liters of solution}}[/math]. So in your case, [math]0.1\mbox{M} = \frac{x \mbox{ moles}}{1 \mbox{ liter}}[/math]. That can tell you how many moles of EDTA are in one liter of solution, and then you just need to find the molar mass of EDTA.
  14. When you visit someone's profile, go to the Friends box on the right and click "Befriend (name)".

  15. Or, in short: How would we know if your hypotheses are correct? We can test if our equations are right. What could prove or disprove your explanations? That's all that is needed.
  16. There was an old version like that. I think it looked like this: <?php print 'Test'; ?> That was before they added inline moderation and stuff. edit: nope, no way to fix it. I'll just copy over the latest stuff to the other styles.
  17. Somehow the header template has been edited (and thus vB creates separate copies) in all the templates. I'll see if I can undo that.
  18. Ka-fixed. I forgot that the different themes use different header templates... I ought to fix that.
  19. Obama's team has set up a new website asking for questions from the public: http://change.gov/page/content/openforquestions The idea is that questions can be voted on by the public and the popular questions will be answered by Obama and his team. (It's based on Google's Moderator software, which they use in speeches and discussions at Google HQ.) The first few questions are predictable, but there are some great questions in the top set, I think. I had actually been thinking about this sort of thing before. It would do volumes of good (in terms of image and PR) if he'd make good on the idea and honestly answer the top questions. I'd like to know what my president is thinking. (A presidential blog would be awesome, though they'd never do that.) Let's see how this works out.
  20. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Think about it. If you hung a bunch of gold from a spring scale on the moon (where gravity is weaker and doesn't pull as hard), would you need more or less gold to make the scale read "1N" compared to being on the moon?
  21. I might just add that I really don't like when people register multiple accounts so they can agree with themselves. Don't do that.
  22. Now, as it happens.
  23. I just tried this. There are still plenty of harmonics; the amplitudes of the harmonics are just different compared to when you pluck it elsewhere.
  24. Method #1 of studying: make sure you actually understand the material. A lot of people I know just read the example problems and go over the homework and memorize how to do each type of problem. That will kill you on a test. Try doing extra problems out of the textbook to show that you understand what's happening and you can handle new types of problems. Make sure you can see in your head what's going on instead of thinking "let's see, when they ask this question you always use this equation". It's the way I've done everything, and I never have problems. If I have a hard test, I save the worrying for after I'm done -- it'll just hurt me more while I'm taking it. I've found that being aware that one test does not really matter when looked at in perspective really helps. I know that there is nothing I can do to prepare more while I'm taking the test, so I should just do what I can and be done with it.
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