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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. All one really needs is a holodeck with a forcefield around it. You can enjoy whatever sci-fi fantasy you want inside.
  2. Is it still a "cheap state school" when you're not from in-state?
  3. We have to wait until October 21st to see if we're really all doomed, unfortunately. High-energy collisions don't start until then. And I want this to happen: http://xkcd.com/401/
  4. They pass through each other. However, if you combine the beams, you can get interference and such: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interference
  5. Whoa, no need to be derogatory. FayeKane is just trying to learn here, and this is the first time I've ever seen a speculation on SFN with an actual section on how to see if it's correct. I'll try to read through this when I have more time to see if it makes sense to me.
  6. In fact, you probably get more microwave exposure from your average 2.4GHz cordless phone (not cell phones), which operate using microwaves and are not shielded like microwave ovens are.
  7. It's considered a psychiatric illness because sufferers believe they are fat when they most certainly aren't. They're only fat in their minds.
  8. I want Lone Starr's Winnebago from Spaceballs.
  9. I read something recently that put a different twist on partisanship. Essentially, it argued that if everyone were to think independently and rationally produce judgments about the issues, the system wouldn't work: there'd be so much disagreement on potential avenues to take. Instead, there are parties (which mostly "balance out" each other's viewpoints to keep things steady). The politically apathetic or the unaffiliated provide flexibility to the system by changing their votes freely between parties, while the parties themselves lend stability by keeping things from ever changing too rapidly.
  10. Then ask Obama So that the whole world will change Sweatshirts included
  11. I presumed they meant plug-ins such as Flash.
  12. Okay, I think this is quite enough. Read my previous post.
  13. Another important question: can it support Firefox-style extensions? Those are much of what makes Firefox so awesome, and I can't see Chrome doing nearly as well without the extensibility of Firefox.
  14. Half of the people listed in the cartoon were originally Mozilla folks. With their track record for browser innovation, I look forward to seeing the actual product -- it certainly has promise.
  15. If you're feeling suicidal, you should not be asking for ways to die on the Internet. You should be seeking professional help. If you just want to see what death is like, well, same thing.
  16. By "signals" you mean radio signals, I presume? Well, I suppose you can generalize. FM radio, with a high frequency and shorter wavelength, only has a range of a hundred miles or so (barring weird atmospheric conditions.) Shortwave radio, with a lower frequency and longer wavelength, can travel thousands of miles because it skips off the ionosphere. And the US Navy uses incredibly low frequencies (huge wavelengths) for communicating around to world to operating submarines. As for power required and interference, I don't know. Interference usually depends on the way you modulate the signal, not solely the frequency.
  17. Take a look at the book The Science of Good and Evil by Michael Shermer.
  18. Whoops. That's been there since the server move, apparently. I fixed it.
  19. Vectors have a magnitude (size) and a direction. Velocity, for example, has a magnitude (speed) and a direction (where it's going). Acceleration can work in a particular direction as well -- you can be accelerated in a certain direction. They're asking for the magnitude of the acceleration, not the direction.
  20. Perhaps it refers to acceleration as a vector and wants you to find the magnitude (value) of it?
  21. Do the glasses distort your field of view or screw up your vision?
  22. Okay, look, can the meta-discussion stop and let us move on to the more important question of booker's hypothesis? booker, if you could answer my question maybe we could get somewhere here. As mooeypoo has pointed out, your posts have been quite lacking of any substantive explanations or evidence, and we have every reason to think you just another crackpot until you decide to provide them.
  23. So what you're saying is they might be going other directions besides just "away from us" without us knowing?
  24. And what do you propose is causing the Doppler shift?
  25. Only if you don't check the "Remember Me" box. SFN sets how long the cookies should last, and apparently it's not long enough unless you hit Remember Me.
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