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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. That'd be my fault, sorry. Actually, it's probably a DNS failure, and your computer has SFN's IP cached. Rather than Mandriva I'd recommend Ubuntu. It's far more popular and (though I've never used Mandriva) fairly awesome. I'm using it now.
  2. Blast it. I was having some fun, too. I wanted to see the aftermath of it... I went to bed after I turned it on (Yes, it was me. I set it up without asking blike, even.) Here's the complete list of switches: "the" => "teh" "physics" => "fizzics" "chemicals" => "chemicalz" "SFN" => "The Amazing WünderSite" "Refsmmat" => "Refreshment" "April" => "June" "Google" => "FWSE" "global warming" => "omg ponies!!!11!" "Pangloss" => "Pnagless" "blike" => "blikey boy" "Cap'n" => "Cappy" "iNow" => "iThen" "ecoli" => "ebola", "thedarkshade" => "thelightray" "Phi for All" => "Pi for Some" "strawman" => "thisisthelaststraw, man" "deny" => "confirm" "denier" => "advocate" "school" => "torture chamber" "dimension" => "dimmensinon" "universe" => "that big thing that all the stuff is in, you know?" "Republican" => "Democrat" "Obama" => "Clinton" "Hillary" => "Obama" "scientist" => "theologian" "yourdadonapogos" => "tick" "Rakdos" => "Rack Those" "you " => "ye " "are " => "art " "love" => "<3" "vBulletin" => "vCowetin" "administrator" => "God" "pseudoscience" => "science" We only hit about half of those, I think. I should have locked everyone else out of the admin panel... Hasn't anybody caught the logo yet?
  3. I see you're in the spirit of the day
  4. What happens if you try to get in now?
  5. I added Spanish, since that would likely be the most popular...
  6. Never heard of that. Sounds like shadowfierce will have to hit "stop" somehow.
  7. AFAIK there's no way for them to add anything to your phone bill. Don't panic.
  8. I'd imagine that gravitons, as mediators of the gravitational force, wouldn't be influenced by their own force -- i.e. gravity isn't affected by gravity. That's just an uneducated guess, though. iNow: I suggest you read the Wikipedia article for a little background. Gravitons are indeed hypothetical, but the question still makes sense to me.
  9. What, exactly, is the difference? If the effects are the same (clocks slow down, aging occurs differently, etc.), then there's no difference between the two except in the metaphysical.
  10. Hmm... mathematically tested theory of relativity vs. cheap Flash animation. Which is best? The rulers do visually change length, and if you were to measure one using the other they'd be of different lengths. According to each ruler's reference frame, it is the correct one, but neither is "more" right than the other.
  11. I'd like to find a dog that can sense morons and warn me about them. It would make life a lot easier.
  12. The atmosphere does indeed rotate with the Earth. Otherwise there'd be a nasty 1,000MPH wind at the equator.
  13. You may be fighting prevailing winds when you're flying to the UK. edit: blast you, insane_alien.
  14. There's light in black holes. It just can't get back out.
  15. You mean considering that he builds them.
  16. It isn't free.
  17. Trying to escape from past the event horizon would take an infinite amount of energy.
  18. Says who? Matter is not a dimension in any way, shape, or form. The three spatial dimensions are the x, y and z axes you might see on a 3D graph. If you wish to redefine "dimension", I suggest you use a different word so the mathematicians don't come after you.
  19. I don't think RC car engines are designed to produce the RPMs needed to run an airplane.
  20. Does it matter what number we give it?
  21. Sure. Given that each tutorial is split up into small chunks (each post being one lesson), we can split up lessons between writers. So if you're interested in writing an evolution one, we can pull in some other folks and start writing up an outline of the GUT.
  22. It may have been a planet, although I have no idea which.
  23. Microsoft Word shouldn't matter for this. I'm using a computer that doesn't even have a Microsoft product on it. Looks like the buttons won't work, but you can still do things like to bold text, and so on.
  24. I don't agree with that thought process. For example, I could point out dozens of contradictions in the Bible, and have we seen reform? For such a measure to be effective, (a) it'd have to be something regarded as utterly true by the vast majority of Muslims, and (b) the reform would have to outweigh the resulting hate. I don't see either of those conditions being met.
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