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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Because forums appeal mostly to a male audience for whatever reason. There are very few websites where women dominate, even in other totally random non-intellectual subjects.
  2. Canadian TV did a series called Talking To Americans (that's what the links are to) where Rick Mercer convinced various government officials in the US that Canada had recently switched from a 20-hour day to a 24-hour one, that global warming was melting the igloo that the Canadian government meets in, and so on. It's not always a setup, but they probably pick only the dumbest answers for TV.
  3. Div and span are supported in all modern browsers, and font is deprecated. I can understand it for a one-liner window, but I'm still an XHTML nitpicker.
  4. Nope. The wonders of indirect democracy.
  5. That's a good way of doing it, although the XHTML gods are frowning on you for using <font>.
  6. Sure, I could post them regularly. It only takes a minute to generate them and paste them into a post.
  7. The trouble is that if you're being facetious it's rather hard to tell in all text, even with emoticons. (You could have been gloating.) Such posts have caused problems before, and so we remove them.
  8. Indeed. Religious topics are closed because they're too hard to keep rational and calm.
  9. AJAX. It doesn't use an iframe, but instead sends a query to the server, which responds with some data that your JavaScript can parse and do stuff with. A tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_intro.asp
  10. Or maybe just less cooling?
  11. This thread is not about faith. This thread is about the end of the world. Please try to remember that.
  12. They're listed here: http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/memberlist.php?&order=DESC&sort=posts&pp=30
  13. No, we're just thinking tactically instead of strategically.
  14. You really know how to have fun in Finland, don't you?
  15. Aha! http://pi.bloo.us:800/academic/latex/plugin/ That looks pretty cool. I'll see about getting it installed sometime.
  16. You probably won't have to decide your major until the end of your sophomore year in college (though that may vary by college), so don't worry so much about deciding immediately.
  17. It doesn't mean you're likely to survive, but you certainly might.
  18. It turns out that each of those options actually got the posts in the last day, no matter which increment of time you chose. It was a custom modification to a file that we forgot to re-do when vB was upgraded, I think.
  19. Because it looks cooler to have them fade out, apparently. There are plugins to tweak New Posts, but none for the Spy. I could do it globally (make nobody see posts from a certain forum) but not easily per-user.
  20. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/01/03/iowa.caucuses/index.html
  21. That's because they don't want to defer to an arbitrary law, they want to discuss the actual morality of the issue.
  22. Thanks. Regular users are now limited to size=4 (this big).
  23. In the New Posts dropdown menu, not the search page. Quick, blike, run! They've figured us out!
  24. DrDNA was referring to where the link to the Spy is in the toolbar -- under New Posts.
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