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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. I doubt you could form critical mass with the radium on an old watch face.
  2. Indeed. Please stay on topic.
  3. Yes, I just noticed that. See my edit to the post above.
  4. What do you mean? What sort of "long mathematical procedures" are you posting? edit: if you mean long equations in LaTeX, that's the image size restriction kicking in. We can't have you making LaTeX images that are wider than most people's screens. I may be able to make the maximum size a bit bigger though.
  5. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting works.
  6. You talk as if I had read the description of RAID carefully enough.
  7. RAID 5 stripes data across several drives. There is no redundancy. The chance of failure of the whole cluster is greater with each disk you add, because one failure renders the cluster useless. RAID 1 mirrors data, which lowers your chance of failure.
  8. I'd take a look at TalkOrigins.
  9. RAID 5 doesn't introduce redundancy and can make your array more likely to fail. I'd go with RAID 1.
  10. I thought this thread was about the behavior of the teacher in question, not Christian values and Mooeypoo's military service. If we continue the religious discussion and attacks (yes, both sides are at fault here) this thread will be closed. Please stay on topic.
  11. Thanks. I'll see if I can work it out. DrDNA: That was part of the reason why we closed the Religion forum in the first place, and it's unfortunate that such behavior continues. We'll try to stop it whenever we spot it.
  12. Any links to discussions on vB.com?
  13. Weird. I'll poke around in IE when I reboot in Windows and see what happens. If I can reproduce it I'll file a bug report with vBulletin.
  14. No it isn't. That's the science part. I think you've been moderating the Politics board for too long. You're seeing politics in everything.
  15. Remember, heat makes things expand -- if the lid expands, it doesn't fit as tightly on the jar.
  16. Remember, heat makes things expand -- if the lid expands, it doesn't fit as tightly on the jar.
  17. iNow never denied your data. He simply asked where it came from.
  18. I believe we have asked you to leave twice already, Fred.
  19. The iodine in the potassium iodide makes it yellow, I think. Don't quote me on that, though.
  20. He's gone now. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.
  21. I can do one of two things: Make the vB search function take you to google. Make the vB search function use a system like Sphinx and have it sort by relevance by default. The latter would be a better solution because it wouldn't double-count threads and stuff. I'll have to see how mature the solution for Sphinx search is.
  22. So basically what I see here is a want for a Slashdot-style moderation system where established members can help weed out crap. Sounds interesting. There may be a vBulletin plugin for it; if there isn't, I'll see how difficult it would be to do. It would be an interesting project to try.
  23. How could you prevent abuse of it? Limit the feature to reports from people with more than 50 posts so someone can't register ten sockpuppets and then ban Dak at will?
  24. Can we please stick to improvement ideas rather than off-subjects? I'm finding some of these suggestions helpful, and I'd like to see more of them.
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