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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. We can: Run a reputation system that boots people out of P&R if their reputation is too low. Ban people from P&R. Have restricted membership of P&R (staff chooses who can talk). Have a free-for-all. Those are the only easy ways.
  2. We should put him on a hamster wheel and see if he can power the server for a while.
  3. He's the Queen of Caps-Lock. He's also delusional.
  4. Okay. Now link those to the Patriot Act.
  5. Ad hominems, people.
  6. In other words, it doesn't work. You can't get free energy from Klein gas.
  7. Could you provide examples? If SFN is projecting this image, it's something we'd like to stop. We've already banned most religious discussion and this discussion is walking a fine line. We welcome any input and our policy of stopping religious threads will continue. I'll take a good look at this thread and any others and see if there's something going on that needs to change.
  8. A Sterling engine requires a heat source to run. I also ask you how one could hide underwater recharging outposts and the subsequent electric bills, and how one could make a recharging "network" that covers the whole sea floor. You seem to think that because you can imagine a way it can work (Sterling engines!!!) it is clearly done that way. You lack the evidence to prove that it is. Find me a Navy officer that says "yeah, they're really Sterling engines running off of the metabolic heat of squid" and I might start to believe you. Also, unless you bring some evidence to bear and start being serious, this thread will go into the can.
  9. You only need to have one power supply plugged in, as far as I know. I'm not sure about the battery; it would probably have to be one of these doodads. Poke around here and see what fits your budget.
  10. Your power supplies are redundant only if both are plugged in. The 835 watt number is the maximum power the supply can handle before frying, not the amount the computer would use. And yes, you would need a better backup battery.
  11. No, the Pants over Internet Protocol is Sayo's secret.
  12. According to Google, pause will echo its own "Press any key" message.
  13. Yes. cd to the place you stored the batch file, then just type out the name of the batch file and hit enter.
  14. Regardless of what you intend to use the trojan for, it's still illegal.
  15. If it's flashing back text and you can't read it, you need to open the Command Prompt (All Programs->Accessories), navigate to your program, and run it that way.
  16. iNow is correct. You'd do best to ask somewhere else.
  17. If Adam was still around, he'd love to answer your question. As he isn't, I'll say this: no, there is no evidence for an astral plane. Any "spiritual realm" is up to your religious beliefs to decide.
  18. That depends on it having a density of 1 g/mL.
  19. That's pretty neat. It might benefit from an "about" page explaining itself though.
  20. I'd suggest to AtomikPsyche that he get his own blog to tell people they're morons on.
  21. F in that equation represents the maximum friction force, not the force at any given point in time.
  22. You'd have to register a domain name, which costs money (about $10 per year). The hard part is getting the domain to point to your computer, as most ISPs don't let you keep the same IP address constantly.
  23. Firefox is built on Gecko and XPCOM. Gecko can render using Gtk, Win32, or Carbon widgets. Firefox will eventually be built as a layer on top of XULRunner (rather than being directly integrated with it), which will include Gecko and XPCOM (meaning one XULRunner installation could run Firefox and Thunderbird and any other XUL app). Firefox does not use GTK on Windows.
  24. No it isn't. No stable release of Firefox so far runs on XULRunner.
  25. I thought that the disguise was traditionally a violin case or something.
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