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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Okay, that's enough, no matter how irritating ih8science is.
  2. The key here is that you're not even trying. If you actually put some effort into trying to think of an answer, we'd help you. No need to advertise your site, either.
  3. It's pretty hard to make a flying device without at least some knowledge of aerodynamics before you start. You'd be better off buying a kit, or just tinkering with your RC cars to make them go faster.
  4. In many languages, words ending in "a" are feminine.
  5. That's the first problem I found. By volume, the Sun is 65,000,000 times larger than the Moon; by diameter, it is 249 times. The Sun is 370 times farther from the Earth than the Moon is. Your numbers seem to be made up. on a side note: go read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the whole series. You might notice something familiar about it.
  6. 'scuse me, I just had an attack of irony.
  7. The Digital Rebel series is known to be pretty good, so that would be a good choice.
  8. I hear YT has a flamethrower out in his shed.
  9. And are we assuming that "knowledge" is generally true?
  10. In fact, we were considering a specific set of staff for the religion forum, or at least a set of our current staff that accepts responsibilities there. Several of our staff members have said that they'd want nothing to do with a religion forum. We can try it as an experiment sometime.
  11. I think the best example of the problems we had were post reports. The vast majority of reported posts used to come from the religion forums, and it caused a lot of problems among the staff, too. We are actively considering bringing the forums back, on the condition that (a) we can ban people specifically from the religion forum and (b) people can opt not to see the religion forum. Both of those goals are feasible. The question is, will people still get insulted and offended by the forums if we allow them to opt out? I don't know.
  12. That will no longer happen when you are at home. It's based on your login username, not the computer you're on, and the time for it to give you that page has expired. And besides, it should only happen a third of the time you visit... The Trojan warnings are simply because the script likes to make lots of popups, not because it likes to destroy your computer. There should be no damage of any sort. We're not that kind of people. And to add on to what Phi said, we have even worse treatment for people like AtomikPsycho who decide to spam SFN as a sort of "vendetta." We'll see if he ever manages to get on here to whine about it.
  13. Is that the religion where instead of being sent to Hell, you're shot in the thigh?
  14. Depends on the mood we're in when we ban you.
  15. There was no virus that I am aware of, and I believe the ban period is up, so no need to worry.
  16. How could you tell?
  17. I never knew airplanes had fuel atomizers and igniters installed...
  18. That might explain why he can't get on Wikipedia.
  19. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=frak
  20. That does not correlate with the video evidence, which shows plumes of smoke for a long period of time. For fuel to explode or burn up rapidly, there must be sufficient oxygen in mixture with the fuel vapor. The confined space of a tower would almost certainly not offer enough, and the fuel would exist at least partly in liquid form, which does not burn as rapidly.
  21. I would appreciate it if we cut the hostility and got back on topic.
  22. Alternately, host a Vogon poetry competition.
  23. Can the Death Star reach warp 9.99? You know, I think there was a YouTube video about Star Trek vs. Star Wars... In the end, however, I'd vote for Spaceball One. Ludicrous speed! edit: the Death Star uses a laser? I believe in one scene in Star Trek it is mentioned that lasers "wouldn't even penetrate our navigation shields."
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