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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. The vapor pressure of a liquid (simply put) indicates the tendency of the liquid's molecules to escape - the higher the vapor pressure, the more they escape (the partial pressure of the gas form of the liquid becomes higher). Usually, the escaped particles condense back into liquid. When the vapor pressure equals atmospheric pressure, the liquid particles have enough energy to turn into a gas without condensing back. I'm simplifying a great deal, but that's my (limited) understanding, and you can use that to work out the rest: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vapor_pressure
  2. Because it might be an entire planet worth of land, but it has an atmosphere of 95% CO2, and it isn't exactly Florida for climate or anything.
  3. No I wasn't, though looking back, it rather did look like I was.
  4. Well, they did it to me once, when they thought I was posting just for the number
  5. Err, you'll want to look at the Awards 2007 link in Klaynos's post, that's the current one.
  6. We'll need something shiny to give to the winners.
  7. Oh dear Lord. err, wait a minute...
  8. Regardless of who's right, I suggest you drop it and get back on topic.
  9. That's enough. I might get fed up and set your postcount to 32.
  10. What I don't understand is how some people think that throwing more money at the problem will solve it.
  11. They were all different sizes, as they are now.
  12. 3,000 is the point to become a Scientist.
  13. Feel free to post properly cited excerpts.
  14. I'll just make a quick vB plugin that automatically detects where you think everything should go, and adjusts the template accordingly...
  15. Spelling skills are just as important.
  16. Okay, I can try that. edit: how's that?
  17. You mean post number & time on left, username on right by itself? Where does the user title go?
  18. I have a feeling you'd want to work on other skills, because technology constantly changes and learning one specific piece of software wouldn't be useful in five years or so. Instead, focus on your communication skills (some highly educated people have surprisingly poor grammar), your handwriting (if you really intend to be a doctor ), and some medical knowledge. Those sorts of things last your entire career.
  19. Shall I make a new style for everybody, then? I can certainly do that sometime, but surely you can just read usernames, can't you? I have found them just as easy to recognize as avatars. I'll think about better options for a while and see if there's a good compromise.
  20. Right, it looks somewhat better now. I'm not quite sure if I like it that way or not, but at least there's an option. Tell me if you have better ideas for it.
  21. Try selecting the New(er) SFN Style in the lower left. It needs a bit of tweaking, but it looks fairly decent to me. Need a better spot for the user title...
  22. I've found that over the course of a few weeks, I've gotten used to the avatar alignment. It becomes easier for me to read the name quickly and recognize that, or use peripheral vision to see the avatar. As for the space between posts, yes, I see what you mean. I can fiddle with the spacing to see if there's a good balance. We've upgraded servers, so things should be faster. As for "too blue," well, I'm not quite sure what I can do about that. It wouldn't be too difficult to create a style of a different color, if you have a suggestion for one.
  23. That's quite true, actually. And that's essentially what happened here, too. If we ever reintroduce a religion forum, it will be with vastly different rules. But that's irrelevant. On topic, please.
  24. There are physical limits on tree growth beyond simply the amount of time the tree spends growing. At some point the tree will be unable to get nutrients to its highest spots, become too weak to hold itself up, or just blow over in the wind.
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