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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. The problem is that when under the influence of drugs, you no longer have the necessary judgment skills to determine if your actions will damage other persons or property.
  2. Hello everybody. We're planning to move SFN to a new, shinier server tomorrow (Thursday) sometime in the afternoon/evening GMT. Downtime should last anywhere from an hour to a day, depending on the time it takes for DNS providers to realize that SFN has moved. Average should be around three hours, I think. The new server should be faster and, most importantly, more reliable. We've made sure everything on it is up-to-date and properly configured, so hopefully things will work when we make the move. I'll try to warn you if we have to postpone the move for any reason. Thanks for the patience. Hopefully we won't have to suffer through any more downtime after this.
  3. We've been plotting some new features for SFN and one was a sort of bookstore with all sorts of science-related books. So, I'd like to solicit ideas for science books. We should stick with the basics: books about physics, cosmology, medicine, etc. without having books that require a PhD. to understand. Things that someone highly interested in science, but without a degree in it, could sit down and read and enjoy. Suggest away.
  4. Right. Everybody's username should be bold, mods should be red, and admins should be italic and red.
  5. Hmm... I looked at the forums on a different computer and suddenly realized why everybody wants names in bold. Strange-looking, they were. I think I've worked out a color scheme, so I'll have to try that later today.
  6. We'll have to work out a color for moderators, since the only way they stand out is by being bold. Blargh.
  7. Thicken? You mean like make them bold? I might also increase spacing between letters in them, actually...
  8. We might open a Social Science forum... I simply read the username now. But I definitely see what you mean; it's just that moving the avatar anywhere would involve drastically changing the layout of the post, and the current layout is rather nice. If you have suggestions for locations of the avatar, I'd be glad to hear them. That was just me working out a quick description until woelen or YT could come up with better. Thanks for the feedback.
  9. dave, it looks like mhchem refuses to work -- all other math works correctly. I'll pass the ball to you know, since you know the LaTeX stuff.
  10. Looks like we lost some stuff during the upgrade. The LaTeX folder was moved to the wrong spot... Fixed it. LaTeX images will have to regenerate now (they're usually cached), but they should work. edit: right, I lied. Let me see what I can do. [math]x^2[/math] [math]E=mc^2[/math]
  11. That's a rather interesting idea, actually. Let me try that.
  12. It was unused. I can dump the threads in it somewhere else if you'd like to continue posting in them. Indeed, although OD is rather dead now.
  13. Two new threads for feedback, so we can keep this organized: New style feedback Forum organization feedback This thread will be closed, so all input should go to those threads or the Suggestions, Comments and Support forum.
  14. Two new threads for feedback, so we can keep this organized: New style feedback Forum organization feedback This thread will be closed, so all input should go to those threads or the Suggestions, Comments and Support forum.
  15. New style: love it? hate it? Tell us here. Constructive criticism only please.
  16. If you have feedback on the new organization of the forums, post it here, please. We'd like to compact the front page down a bit while making everything nice and logical.
  17. Check out the announcement at the top of those two forums.
  18. Then nobody will click on them. We're still trying to condense the current layout down so that it won't take up as much space. Suggestions are welcome.
  19. I believe so, although Pangloss is really the one in charge over there.
  20. Ah, crap, I thought I had fixed that. I think we're going to work out a better spot for the ads.
  21. This time, I don't want it myself.
  22. If you have any problems with the new style, or notice any glitches, please do tell me immediately. We're still trying to iron out the bugs, but because I screwed over the old style, it's our only choice at the moment.
  23. Yes, but do they work on low-res monitors?
  24. Okay, dak, the ads are back; do they work where they are now?
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