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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. On occasion, when I feel like it. It seems to come in bursts, especially when I get irritated by the grammar in some of the articles. But mostly I just read it.
  2. It's probably mod_security objecting to the content of your post. Try posting what you were saying here, and if that works, it's something else. I have gotten 403 errors in the admin panel from mod_security as well. Stupid thing.
  3. Posts in Announcements have to be approved before they show up. I'll look to see what happened. You also can't edit posts more than 6 hours after you make them.
  4. Let's not let this get out of hand.
  5. Today's threat level is HIGH.
  6. I think they'll fit better in this style. We'll see.
  7. I can neither confirm nor deny such incidents ever occurring.
  8. Whoops Thanks for reminding me, I'll have to insert them. Don't worry, the new location should be better (we can't put them where they used to be, I don't think).
  9. Evolutionary advantage. The guy that wins is probably stronger and has better genes to pass on. Or at least that's the way it used to work.
  10. Either you live in the same house as Socrates or you are Socrates. You share the same IP addresses exactly. If you wish to discuss this further, take it to a private message, please.
  11. Nor the rest of the old style. Switch to the SFN Beta Style if you want something shiny. dave will need to get the old style back if he has a backup somewhere.
  12. Plans? What plans? Who said we had any plans?
  13. I'd suggest everyone give it a bit of time to get used to. Once your eyes get used to glancing in the right spots to read the post, it'll seem a lot better. We'll probably be able to offer a variant with the old-style post layout as well.
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LED
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real-time_operating_system is a good start.
  16. No, not really. Unless the container was perfectly insulated, the material inside would warm up.
  17. There's more to come
  18. Err... stop hijacking threads with your strange questions, please.
  19. Scoll down to the bottom of the page -> Find the style chooser in the lower left -> Select SFN Beta Style -> Tell me what you think.
  20. http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=25664 Oops. As for the redirection thing, that's because vB is confused about Daylight Savings and wants to redirect you there so you can fix your time settings to match what it thinks your time is. I'll remove that stupid code now.
  21. I think it has a deeper connotation though, for more of a person who doesn't know what to do or how to do it (two heads pointing different ways). We have a bad server, and we have me. Ahem.
  22. Sorry about the style. I accidentally overwrote the old style and I'll need to get the old one back, or a new one installed, before we can switch back. But at least SFN works now. *slaps himself
  23. As the deadline comes I ask, why do I spend time Counting syllables?
  24. Ad hominem. Being a cult doesn't make it wrong. Try to make a more meaningful argument.
  25. And no, Klaynos, I won't tell you before I tell everybody else. We'll be making an announcement soon, I think.
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