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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Cleaned the thread. A bit of research reveals we were treading on the edge of legality. Feel free to discuss morality, however.
  2. I don't see why not. The message that appears when you report a post is built in to vB - we didn't choose that. It can be changed, though.
  3. Right. This seems to be a slightly sensitive topic, so... Instead of attacking people, let's please explain our positions, like snoopay at least tried to do. This is a discussion forum, not an anonymous insult forum.
  4. There are some moral facets of this that could be explored, but the basic question is: Is it ethical to "make" a person for the sole reason of studying it? Or, really, would it be a "person"?
  5. Can you elaborate on what you mean by "constant" here?
  6. We're not going to improve if our members have that attitude. Stay on topic, please.
  7. How does it work?
  8. This thought just popped into my head randomly... Why can most people cross their eyes but not move them otherwise independently? Surely if we can make the muscles cross our eyes, we can work out how to go the opposite direction.
  9. Many UPS systems have a software client that comes with them that will automatically start shutdown of the computer, presumably giving you time to hit "Save," so when the battery dies, you're not toast.
  10. It was still spectacular.
  11. LIDAR. The problem is as Martin said - there's a lot of interference, and I'm guessing it would be impractical. In fact, the planes wouldn't even need to change their countermeasures - chaff would confuse the LIDAR as much as the radar.
  12. Melted? You mean like making dead leaf soup of a sort? I presume they could be, if you heated them in an oxygen-free environment.
  13. Don't worry, we don't bite.
  14. I despise Alice. But that's just me. Python is very good for starters. It has a simple syntax and you can't fry a computer with it easily.
  15. Added an option
  16. The Borg, all the way. Resistance is futile.
  17. There are questions on standardized tests in the US asking things like, "which form of government allows the greatest freedoms for its people?" (The correct answer is, of course, democracy.) Ignoring the fact that a dictator might actually be a nice guy, of course.
  18. By using "through" you're assuming that a black hole is a physical hole that you can go through. Black holes have their name because they are "holes" in that nothing ever comes out, not because they lead to a prairie dog colony.
  19. Here's a good article. Other systems simply gather data about various things the computer is doing at the moment - disk access, processor utilization, and various other things that aren't entirely predictable - and create a "pool" of randomness that they can then pick from.
  20. If we have something to discuss, people will discuss it. It's just that there's not much in math to talk about. Post a thread or two!
  21. You misunderstood the article. The device is placed in the brain, meaning it can do nothing if the nerves to a limb are severed. It serves to change the will of the pigeon, not to flap its wings for it.
  22. Yes, tremendous amounts of it.
  23. If it simplifies to [math]i^{2n} \times i^3[/math] then it reduces further to [math]i^{2n} \times -i[/math] [math]1^{2n}[/math] 1.
  24. [math]i^{2n+3}[/math] or [math]i^{2n} + 3[/math]?
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