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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Please see the book The Science of Good and Evil, by Michael Shermer. In essence, morality is likely a direct result of evolution.
  2. Do you know what gene causes coloring in pea plants?
  3. It wasn't rejected, all threads in that forum are put in the moderation queue for us to check on. While the idea of that forum was to have a sponsored book discussion, that isn't working, so I approved your thread.
  4. http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/vista_cost.html
  5. Right, you're going in the right direction. Let me explain further. If you are familiar with the Cartesian plane (x and y coordinate system), x is associated with the horizontal position of a point, and y with the vertical position. Thus, (1, 2) is a point 1 unit to the right and 2 units above the origin (center of the graph). When you have an equation such as [math]y = ax^2[/math], it is describing the relationship between those points. That means that for each point, the y value (vertical position) is the square of the horizontal position (x), multiplied by a (some arbitrary value; when you're given a real equation, a will be a number). The axis of symmetry of a parabola like this one: would be a line going vertical directly through its center. It's called a line of symmetry because if you were to divide the parabola down this line, each side would be symmetrical - totally identical, only flipped. Assuming that the center of that parabola is located where x = 0 on the plane (the center of the graph), the axis of symmetry is the graph of the line [math]x = 0[/math]. I'm afraid I don't know what some of the other equations you have are showing, but I can continue here: You can shortcut that: if the equation is x = something, it will be horizontal; if the equation is y = something, it will be vertical. Here's a good link which links to other pages that describe everything: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parabola If you don't know what something is, type it in to the search box on the left. Don't worry about us labeling you mathematically deficient; it is apparent that you care enough about learning to come to us for help, and you are very good at explaining what you need help with. Unfortunately, I don't know some of the terms myself; I'm guessing I just learned parabolas differently. Good luck.
  6. It's not the bones weakening, I think it's actually the entire mass of fat sliding down the cheeks.
  7. Cap'n Refsmmat


    A good resource: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_tissue
  8. I would only try C++ if you're really willing to spend a lot of effort on it. C++ has loads of features, and it can get rather complex. I learned on TI-BASIC, then moved to PHP, but that's just me...
  9. You may be a marine, but any authority you enjoy there does not extend to every site on the Internet. You have been banned once for your unruly and disrespectful behavior, and now I'm going to make sure that's permanent.
  10. Crazy Aussies, always anti-conformists... that's why they got thrown out of England, you know.
  11. Chances are, though, that nothing was written over it. When a file is deleted, it's not "removed," it's just marked as "dead." It may be a while before it's overwritten.
  12. You crazy reptile people.
  13. I just checked and it seems that molecular = covalent.
  14. You mean ionic and covalent, or have I missed something? Also, does this happen to be a question from your homework assignment?
  15. You're in the university for higher education, with a focus on science. That's a better way to put it.
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_magnetic_field#Magnetic_field_variations
  17. The force would not increase above 1G inside the Earth. As you tunnel deeper, more of the Earth's mass is above you, and less of it is below. That means the overall attraction to the center becomes less.
  18. FF3 is scheduled for November.
  19. I suspect it's fake.
  20. But conspiracy theories are fun!
  21. FF3 will have far improved Vista compatibility.
  22. The aforementioned thread was removed not because we lack the insight on the topic raised, but because of the reason YT2095 stated there: "the only thing Mildly factual is the last part." If you want your "scientific truths" to be taken seriously, we'll need more than unfounded speculation. References and details matter. Peer-reviewed journal articles rock. Also, I daresay the Pentagon doesn't have authority over the Internet. That would probably be the FCC, and in any case, they can't take anybody off of the Internet. There is no inspection procedure for web sites.
  23. Yes, supposedly they'll add that "feature" sometime or another. Hopefully that'll be "soon."
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