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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. There's a little box that pops up saying "Are you sure you want to trust the applet signed by (some name)?" (or something like that) that you need to approve. If you don't see it, you might want to load the applet exclusively without going off and doing something else while you wait (you might hide the popup accidentally).
  2. Yes, they'll react, I think. I'm not really aware of which combinations make a difference. I'll have to let a more experienced chemist help you there.
  3. Essentially.
  4. That would indeed be [ce]Sn + Cu(SO4)2[/ce]. The way you can tell what sort of reaction it will be is simply look: You have a metal (tin) and a metal sulfate ([ce]Cu(SO4)2[/ce]). The only logical reaction here would be single displacement, because the tin isn't bonded with anything (and thus there isn't anything for double displacement to displace). For single displacement reactions, you'll want to check your (re)activity series to determine if the single metal (tin, here) will displace the bonded metal. Hope that helps. (Disclaimer: I'm not a chemist, I just know some basics and I can use Wikipedia to my full advantage. Please correct me if I messed up here.)
  5. Think of it this way: You're doing them a favor. If they learn to do their own work, they're actually learning, and they're not going to be plagiarizing later when they'll be expelled for it. Reporting it is the right thing to do.
  6. You didn't see it because it read as if you were being paid for it
  7. In the next video, the snake comes back with a Holy Hand Grenade.
  8. Try converting it into a binary string, separate it into bytes, and then find the ASCII equivalent of each byte.
  9. I hear a team of seasoned astrologers is working full-time on the problem.
  10. I do the same thing as bluenoise. It takes a bit of effort to keep listening I'll often mix things up by, say, taking the vacuum to the shoe closet, simply because of habit. It can be amusing too, but certainly a waste of time...
  11. On this forum specifically, or on any site in general? For SFN, just stick the LaTeX code into [math][/math] tags. There's also a tutorial here. For other sites, you'll want to make it into an image to stick into your HTML. I'm not sure what the best way of doing that is.
  12. If you want to be scared about Vista, read this. IMHO, Linux is still lacking compared to Windows in several areas (having lots of free software doesn't mean you have lots of good free software... OpenOffice still needs work, for example) and it certainly needs hardware vendor support before it can go much further. 1veedo: As for standardization, take a peek at the Portland Project.
  13. http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=427852
  14. http://kb.mozillazine.org/Importing_from_Pegasus will let you copy your mail from Pegasus to Thunderbird. Thunderbird has a fairly good spam filter built in, and it's due to improve some soon. You could also get something like this to beef it up.
  15. He meant to use the [math] tags.
  16. That's odd. Might just be an aftereffect of us just getting back after account suspension for two days. Yeah, the memcached server had died. I had to fix that when I came on this morning.
  17. For the past two or three days it was blike forgetting to pay the bills. I don't know what the problem is today; what sort of error do you get?
  18. Or, in short: Blow yourself up, but don't whine to us about it.
  19. Padding on the inside, as well as placing machinery on isolated "rafts" inside the hull, prevents noise from radiating outwards. Most submarines are detected with passive sonar, after all - active sonar is like turning on a flashlight in a dark room: you find the enemy, but he knows where you are too.
  20. Wouldn't they have to be undersized?
  21. That may be true for gay marriage, but you have to realize that the world is so complex and interconnected that Saddam's choice of monogrammed handkerchief manufacturer may decide which college you are accepted into.
  22. Do what I do, and what bascule does: Find a book that interests you, and read it. Or, find a Wikipedia article that interests you, and read it. I've taught myself lots of things I'd never learn in school that way. Books are fairly cheap. What you're doing is trying too hard, actually. You'd be surprised at what you learn without actually knowing it. A lot of knowledge is picked up doing things other than just hard learning; I don't read to learn, I read to enjoy myself.
  23. The Iraqis didn't believe his sons were dead until they saw the pictures, so they wouldn't believe he was dead until they saw it for themselves. I'd be paranoid about it if I was stuck under a dictator like him for so long.
  24. There are military aircraft with sufficient thrust to take off even with flat tires, so I suppose they could manage a conveyor belt with no problem.
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