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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. If the wheels on the plane are capable of handling speeds twice normal takeoff speed, then the plane will take off.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundredth_Monkey
  3. Depends on your religious and moral beliefs. You're making an argument based on subjective standards. Your moral standards are not absolute, no matter how many other people agree with them.
  4. The idea was proposed to the Navy, but rejected due to the loss in speed that would result. http://www.amazon.com/Skunk-Works-Personal-Memoir-Lockheed/dp/0316743003/sr=8-1/qid=1167337786/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/104-4239631-4823153?ie=UTF8&s=books
  5. I resolve that I will make a resolution for next year.
  6. My issue is that ydoaps is taking every available opportunity to attack religion. Stop.
  7. Do you have Java properly installed and configured on your computer? Alternately, try this page and select #sfn from the channel list.
  8. Right...
  9. I believe your three questions are accurate. I get the model, but only after pausing to think about what the heck a "temporospatial classifier" is (it's not too difficult to figure out).
  10. I think it's mostly because spelling is taught in English in the second grade (and promptly forgotten), while foreign language instruction starts far later. The assumption is presumably that a high-school student has progressed past menial tasks such as spelling in English and can learn advanced subjects, when the truth is that spelling and grammar have been forgotten totally. Grammar is something I'm rather irritable about. I correct my own family.
  11. It tends to have problems with frozen water - the water in cells expands as it freezes, destroying cellular structures. The basic solution is to use antifreeze, but that has to be perfected.
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Hadron_Collider That should be good for a start.
  13. Couldn't be bothered to calculate it
  14. If we reached even a significant fraction of the speed of light it would be. Go out for a year at .5c and it'll be many years later on Earth.
  15. You don't move more slowly.
  16. Does it cause problems when you're typing, or is it just mildly irritating?
  17. Well, it's been fixed in Firefox nightly versions. Can't submit a bug to IE though. I guess it's a similar problem.
  18. Filed a bug and added a testcase.
  19. Hmm... I see that in Firefox 2.0 as well. I'll see if there's a bug in Firefox filed for that.
  20. Ok. If you're learning from it, that's good. From my experience, that's pretty much the basic sequence for a lot of things. Some people may use different names for the class, or have more classes, but that's the basic idea.
  21. Do you know the material on the assessment tests, or do you feel totally clueless when you do them?
  22. You mean to factor an integer? Would you like prime factors or all factors? I don't think any of those functions are built-in, but you can download a program to do it from http://www.ticalc.org
  23. I'm not familiar with the QuickReview books, but one thing you'll need to do is see if you actually know the material; if the books come with math problems to try out, do those, otherwise, find a math workbook that you can try. As for the order, it really depends. CliffsNotes has 2 algebra classes and 1 calculus class. Looking at their website, I'd recommend something like this: Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Trigonometry Calculus or some other similar assortment. I just threw in Geometry like that because some Algebra II curriculums require it. And as a sidenote: do the QuickReview books teach you sufficiently, or are they simply, well, review? They might not explain things as well as they could. You might want to get a decent mathematics textbook (and/or accompanying teacher's edition, so you have the answers to its problems) instead. Whatever works best for you.
  24. May the supernatural being of your choice bless you.
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