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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. If your password is easy to guess, it doesn't matter if the passwords are encrypted. Just make sure it's something complex enough that nobody can just guess it.
  2. Norton is not a terrible program. I've had problems with it myself, but it really isn't that bad. That or Spybot Search and Destroy. Both are good products. Indeed. Although if you find popups it can't block, go file a bug.
  3. Yes, I have the IP address now, and it does not appear to be anybody from this forum.
  4. The only action I could take was if I determined, as herme3 suspected, that it was a staff member here. I can't exactly ban someone else here for an offense on another website, but we may not particularly want to keep a staff member if they are doing something like that. However, it would not be my decision, so I can't really speculate on that. Also, Section 9 is irrelevant, because I wouldn't be sending data to anybody. herme3 is not going to get a list of several thousand IP addresses to look through. I will look at the address he gives me, determine if it's someone here, and then determine the appropriate course of action from that point. The only people who would know who the person I found was would be the other staff members.
  5. I did not say I was going to tell him if I discovered who it was (that would depend on what I could do about it), nor did I say I would send the IP information of SFN users to him. I can make the IP address search here on SFN without sending any data to anybody else.
  6. I doubt a competent hacker would spend the time to build up a chain of proxies to attack a 10-day-old forum.
  7. Do they appear when you're visiting certain websites, or just at random?
  8. No they won't. http://www.newscientist.com/channel/earth/mg19225763.900-no-new-ice-age-for-western-europe.html
  9. If you have the IP address handy, please private message it to me. I can find out if it was a member of staff, a member of SFN at all, or some random person.
  10. You'll see the whole thing in a few days, I think.
  11. http://www.originsdebate.com/forums/index.php
  12. Buoyancy says that an object displaces exactly its weight in water. An ice cube of water would displace its weight in water, and an ice cube is water.
  13. The water level would not change at all.
  14. If deleted posts counted you and I would be about at Sayo's level
  15. Don't worry. We have logo ideas.
  16. lollyroffles
  17. If the debate is to continue, it should continue here.
  18. Oh dear. It might be that we can't exactly find all of them very easily. We haven't been looking for very long, and you're only counting the parts we can see. Comets don't start orbiting the Sun. They enter our Solar System from other places every once in a while. http://talkorigins.org/indexcc/CD/CD221_1.html The magnetic field does not decay at a linear rate. http://talkorigins.org/indexcc/CD/CD701.html http://talkorigins.org/indexcc/CD/CD015.html Substantiate that claim. In any case, they might know that plants grow from seeds, but that doesn't mean they know how to grow their own seeds for food. Or how to cultivate it. Or any of the numerous other skills required for agriculture. Being able to paint caves does not indicate sufficient intelligence to write historical events. Making a calendar diagram or painting a wall require totally different skills from writing down history. In any case, you're cherry-picking your data here. You can't say "this invalidates that" when the two don't even disagree. The article's just saying "I think it's wrong, so I'm right." If you had evidence that the people who were capable of painting a cave could also read and write, feel free to show us. Please, do your research. Making up these responses took me about five minutes. Oh, and I don't care if Dr. Humphreys is a scientist. That's an appeal to authority.
  19. Garfield would just love it, though.
  20. The yarn is taking definite shape now.
  21. Cap'n Refsmmat


    Hush, they can't know my secret!
  22. What's "the error while burning"?
  23. That's certainly a novel idea. Even if it doesn't cause world peace, it will certainly reduce global stress levels
  24. You can do anything you set your mind to when you have vision, determination, and an endless supply of expendable labor.
  25. It's most likely the ads we had at the bottom of the page, which Google probably considered a link farm via their automatic anti-spam systems. We removed the ads and then submitted a request to Google to be reincluded, and now we're back!
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