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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Just stick with one or the other and don't confuse us by using both usernames
  2. Don't bother creating a new account. It's against the forum rules, we can change your current name if you really want to, and I doubt you'll get much trouble out of it.
  3. There's always the post layout style used here. Note that for a new style (or a derivative of this one) to be made, we need a good bit of free time, which none of us seem to have.
  4. Comparing them against what? Another potentially inaccurate record?
  5. Finally. I was about to split this thread myself.
  6. Note the site bascule quoted said "good quality temperature records", not just "temperature records."
  7. There's no need for expletives and insults. Regarding the question of who would be best to analyze the data: Sure, a statistician would be great, but it's best if they understand what they're analyzing fully.
  8. Really? It is predicted that the North Atlantic "conveyor belt" current (the one that brings warm water to Europe, and thus keeps it warmer than it would otherwise be) would shut down as a result of global warming and glacial runoff, therefore stopping the supply of warm water to Europe and making it much colder. I'd also like to note that your website there seems to be rather silly: If you read, they gave a perfect explanation for that in the article. Please do your research before making these claims. I'm not sure I trust your analysis if you don't fully understand global warming or what it entails, and if you can't do some basic research.
  9. /me restrains GutZ from mauling Phi
  10. Most estimates (based on useragent strings and other methods) show that IE has a market share of around 85%. Mandating that a company uses an insecure and non-compliant browser (and thus preventing them from replacing IE with FF, for convenience reasons) is not a wise decision. Cross-platform HTML isn't that difficult if you follow the accepted standards and make a few tweaks for IE. Also, Visual Studio is a development environment, not a language. In any case, a web application should always be easily tuned to provide output to any browser, however you do it - separation of logic from presentation, anybody?
  11. Yay, when you don't have substance to your arguments, accusations based on quotes taken out of context do wonders. Let's stop the petty arguing. You're not even close to being on topic anyways.
  12. Wacky. No antivirus software with a nice convenient adblocking system?
  13. Heh, indeed. The fact that it's cross-browser suggests incredible wackiness. Nevermore, do you get the same images and backgrounds missing across all the browsers?
  14. right-shadow.png is the shadow on the right-hand side of the page for the page border. The actual post background color is controlled by CSS.
  15. Do you have any Bluetooth-enabled devices to use it with? It's not all that important. If you know the specs and know what you're doing, it's not that difficult to put in new components (like a new hard drive or a stick of RAM) in to a laptop. I wouldn't try sticking in a new motherboard though.
  16. It's not just images, all of the background colors seem to be gone.
  17. Yes. (If you don't have a subscription, the article says that containing a radioactive material inside a material at low temperature can actually speed its decay rate. See also image.)
  18. You can always hit New Posts at the top of the page.
  19. Oh dear
  20. We've been able to tell what the inflation rate was at various times throughout history (with good accuracy) by comparing the redshifting of supernovas at various distances. Find that data and show it to him.
  21. It changes its useragent string to one that IE would use, but it adds "Opera 9.0" to the end of it. This means that any script that's just checking to see if it's IE will think it is, but anything looking specially for Opera will be able to tell.
  22. You eat your cats?! Skepticism is based on the concept of "burden of proof," and not necessarily any evidence against something. We skeptics just take a look at the evidence to see how valid it is.
  23. That's probably an IE bug in PNG display.
  24. I've heard that God has made anecdotes turn into evidence before. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. That was a bad one. But honestly, anecdotes do not make evidence of any kind.
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