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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. It'll be forced upon you (sort of, you can actually decline to install it) in November through Windows Update. I'd just upgrade to Firefox 2 if I were you. It's recently released, and includes things like a spiffy spellchecker
  2. Whoops. We forgot about that in the upgrade to vB 3.6... 3.6 has a new "upload signature image" feature that operates independently of the img BBCode, which is in fact turned off in signatures. Time to poke an adminstrator.
  3. Are you also trying to disprove global warming in general? You may have forgotten that it is predicted that parts of the world (like Europe) will get colder as global warming takes effect.
  4. Yes, it would be possible. If you had the time to help us do it, we could have one. However, we're busy with other things (like setting up those much-wanted religion forums) so we don't really have time to consider an alternate style yet.
  5. Can you give us a screenshot of what you see, and tell us what browser you're using?
  6. The irony mark. Also, the sarcasm mark. My life is changed forever.~
  7. It's chaos theory. In essence (when applied to something like butterflies and tsunamis), it says that in an incredibly complex system like the Earth, one tiny input change can cause a radically different side effect (albeit indirectly, causing numerous other tiny changes), like a tsunami.
  8. A baryon, according to the dictionary, is "a proton, neutron, or any elementary particle that decays into a set of particles that includes a proton." You'll have that title get better and better as you post more here on the forums. Thanks for the compliments!
  9. And of course, there's the "complexity collossum," which detects large blocks of boring text and immediately skips over them.
  10. Actually, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_autism Note that this relates to what you have recently said as well: Autistic children are more likely to get heavy metal poisoning because they seem to lack mtallothionein, which regulates metals in the body. Oh, and, um: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9D01EED8173CF933A15754C0A9639C8B63 Thimerosal is the mercury-containing part of vaccines.
  11. I might point out that anecdotes do not make evidence. /me fears the wrath of Mokele
  12. Okay, everybody, I've sent a PM to those who we'd like to join us on the staff. You guys can check your PM boxes and follow the instructions to help us out. If you applied and didn't get a PM, or you haven't noticed this yet but you'd like to help out, don't worry! Once the new site is up and running, we'll be looking for more people to help -- and all you have to do to get our interest then is make quality and insightful posts. Thanks to those who applied!
  13. I'd say go for it. If the school won't sponsor it, say you'd like to form a "US Government study group" and do it there.
  14. The outgoing goes through the ISP, but the request address is for the Tor server, not the site you're visiting. The Tor server passes it on to another one, and another, until the address is decrypted and fetched.
  15. The treatment he is receiving has nothing to do with vaccinations, nor our understanding of autism. The drugs currently in use treat the symptoms, not the disease. Even so, anecdotes do not make evidence.
  16. You didn't get any mass emails if you have the "Allow emails from administrators" option disabled in your control panel. The address listed with the registrar is incorrect. That's also why we had so much trouble getting him
  17. It is in a helicopter, when hovering to attack is quite common. Yaw control is necessary for quick maneuvering during hover.
  18. Please read my second link again.
  19. He's talking about helicopters.
  20. http://www.scienceforums.net/search.php?do=process&replyless=1&replylimit=0 I'll look to see if we can add that to the header somewhere.
  21. I do recall one instance when the domain expired without anybody noticing, although I believe I only know about it from a thread I saw from a few years ago.
  22. The problem was not who has admin rights, but who had the ability to renew the domain name. Blike's the one with the money and the access to the domain control panel (which is totally separate from the forums), so he was the only one who could fix the problem. We're working on ways to let more than one person have access to these things.
  23. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg18124380.300.html http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn3028 That study was proved to be wrong.
  24. Ah. It's my cache. Okay, the upgrade must have overwritten the favicon.
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