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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Wacky. The icon at http://www.scienceforums.net/favicon.ico'>http://www.scienceforums.net/favicon.ico has been changed to the default V, but the icon at http://scienceforums.net/favicon.ico (which is the one linked to in the HTML as the favicon) has stayed the SFN icon. Looks like the vB upgrade went a bit weird. edit: and I notice that cookies aren't shared between http://www.scienceforums.net and scienceforums.net. I think some configuration bits got messed up.
  2. From what I understand about Tor, censoring would not work, because the actual address of the site is encrypted until it gets to the "outlet" server. When the data is retrieved and sent back to you, it is also encrypted until it reaches your own computer. As long as the outlet server was outside the country, censoring would be useless. Of course, countries like China probably have filters in place to block traffic that looks remotely like it's from Tor.
  3. A "ghost" image is a bit-for-bit copy of the contents of the drive. Unless it's compressed, it would take up exactly as much space as the content of the drive.
  4. Yes, I think our activity might even be a bit higher due to the mass e-mails we sent out.
  5. You should be able to get along just fine on 512 MB of RAM, although you'll probably end up being obsolete in a year or so with only that much.
  6. No, not the religion forum, the philosophy forum... Many of you cried out when we closed the Philosophy and Religion forums, and so we have taken the first step in bringing those back. We have opened a new Philosophy of Science forum, available here, for all of your philosophical needs. Please note that there are guidelines posted in that forum; those guidelines are subject to change as we observe activity in the forum and see what is needed. Enjoy!
  7. You haven't read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, have you?
  8. We've been working on getting a separate religion site set up, and I think now is the best time to ask for volunteers. We need people who know theology well to help organize the site, define rules, and begin moderating when the time is right. We will not accept people who have shown bad behavior in the SFN religion section in the past, as we are looking for people who can stabilize a community and make it strong. If you're interested in helping, send me a PM. Please don't be offended if we do not take you; we are looking for only a few individuals at the beginning. If you really want to help and we don't get back to you, just wait until the site is public and start contributing. edit: I won't be able to get back to you immediately when you PM me. I'd like to see just who volunteers before picking anybody out, and I'm going to be asking other staff members for their input as well.
  9. What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
  10. We're working on ways to make problems like these never happen again. Depending on one very busy person to pay the bills can be risky.
  11. If you think we understand autism well, you are badly mistaken. It is only recently that researchers came up with a possible cause for it. Current treatments treat the symptoms, not the disease.
  12. d-bunked.com is a good one. But perhaps there's something that could be more catchy?
  13. I'm looking for a good name for a website that debunks various pseudoscientific claims. Any ideas? Thanks.
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sine#Right_triangle_definitions
  15. Neither did we, actually
  16. Okay, sorry about the brief outage again. We had to upgrade the forums to the latest version of vBulletin.
  17. We're currently working on figuring out a good forum structure and setting up the policy.
  18. Sorry about the downtime for a few days. It seems the domain name managed to expire without anybody noticing. Everything seems to be working now, so go ahead and post away. If you find any lingering problems, go ahead and post a comment.
  19. How do you think they "cheated you out of your grades"? If you think they're messing with your grades, just keep a record of the scores you get on all of your assignments and calculate what you think your grades should be.
  20. Excuse me?
  21. I think there's much more potential in WiSci besides general-purpose articles. We could get into more interesting things like covering, in-depth, common questions we see here on SFN, or something. An encyclopedia just might not be the best way to make use of it, while still making it a valuable resource.
  22. Canada? Where's that?
  23. /me gets out the blowgun and tranquilizer darts
  24. Excuse me, I think YT forgot his medicine today... *gets out the hypodermic needle and injects YT with tranquilizers*
  25. You'd have to ask an administrator.
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