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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Are most of those quotes out of PMs? edit: Yes, they are, and private messages stay private unless both sides agree. Removed. And, btw, having multiple accounts is prohibited under forum policy.
  2. I don't think that statistic is easily available.
  3. Now let's just work on higher-level conversations and better discussions and I'll be happy. Oh, and.... (inside joke) PARTEH!!!!111
  4. The idea that Einstein failed math is a myth.
  5. Not necessarily New York City...
  6. New York, apparently. (Check his profile.)
  7. Go back to Stat->Edit, scroll all the way to the right to the empty list, and name it L1 (2nd - 1 I think).
  8. This is getting to be pathetic.
  9. Those people whose profiles become totally public shouldn't be left out to get stalked, either.
  10. http://www.gnuplot.info/ (download at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2055) It's command-line but it works fairly well. You may be able to find a GUI for it.
  11. TI-83 or TI-83+?
  12. Let's not start getting hostile.
  13. Hmm... what internet browser are you using? And yes, you should see x^2 when you click that link.
  14. What did it originally claim to be? A movie?
  15. Frankly I don't know how the system works, except on a basic level. You may be able to simply sign up and identify yourself as a student at school X and see everybody from there, or it could be a per-user option, or I could be totally wrong. And by the way, I think their definition of "friend" is bound to be a lot looser than yours.
  16. The idea is that it's a network for friends, and you don't get to see anybody's profile unless you're their "friend" (i.e. they hit the right buttons). The original concept, in fact, was for groups of students at colleges (and later high schools) to join, not just everybody.
  17. We tried a News Team, and it didn't really work out. We need some good way of getting lots of content, and getting members to write articles doesn't seem to work too well.
  18. You select the posts you want to multi-quote and then hit the regular Reply button.
  19. Yep. It has removed those for a long, long time. It's an option in vB. I'm not sure if it's configurable, but I do know it gets irritating when the quote level gets four or five deep.
  20. The front page was just some thread listings and a few news articles underneath. Perhaps if we had a nice long welcome/purpose message there for guests, and had actual news.
  21. You can just bookmark the forum index.
  22. There seems to be a significant percentage of people who want it back...
  23. Heh... I can move it back into the public view. http://www.scienceforums.net/showthread.php?t=23061
  24. Okay, I've pruned the thread some more.
  25. Okay, time to split the thread.
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