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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Let's not go off on a tangent, please.
  2. http://www.scienceforums.net/showthread.php?t=22842. There's also a sticky in the Philosophy forum. I'll change that to include a link.
  3. We have been losing hits and new members due to our loss of ranking on Google. We think we have that problem sorted out now, and it should (I hope) be fixed in a few weeks.
  4. That's not an accurate measure. New Posts counts threads in which new posts have been made, not new posts in total. We get many threads with multiple posts in them in a day.
  5. http://nizkor.org/features/fallacies/straw-man.html
  6. Due to our recent upgrade, the warning points system has been renovated. Warning points are now issued on the following scale: Multiple Posts: 2 points, 7 day expiry Disrespect: 3 points, 7 day expiry Spamming: 4 points, 10 day expiry Advertising: 7 points, 14 day expiry Copyright violation/plagiarism: 10 points, 14 day expiry Inappropriate Profile Content: 10 points, 14 day expiry Flaming: 10 points, 14 day expiry Trolling: 10 points, 14 day expiry Persistent Strawmanning: 12 points, 16 day expiry Repeated Prejudice: 15 points, 21 day expiry HazMat Violation: 15 points, 21 day expiry Once a user reaches 25 points, they are issued a 3-day ban.
  7. I think that would be rather nice. Philosophy is much harder to get angry over, and it's less likely to touch off some nerves.
  8. Just as a note about the warning system - to those of you who previously had warning points, you no longer do. We're switching warning systems (for the better) and we're wiping the slate clean. Hopefully, this is for the better - everybody now has a second chance. Sorry for the disruptions. Also, sorry about some of your avatars - it seems our avatar gallery was lost.
  9. Are you sure? It's on a 'named patient basis' in the UK because it's been deemed medicinal, not because of any perceived side effects. I have also not been able to find any other sources linking melatonin to liver damage.
  10. Google AdSense + a science website = fun! Sometimes we get rather amusing combinations of ads.
  11. You didn't present it directly as one. PowerPoint == bad. PowerPoints cannot hold in nearly as much information, and they're designed for presentations. That means they're designed to hold outlines and figures, while the speaker elaborates on everything from there. Having a PowerPoint instead of an article - and trying to achieve the same level of detail like that - would be pointless. Besides, editing PowerPoints wiki-style would be a PITA. And PowerPoint is a proprietary format. Alternately, we could just make "outline" pages that contain the basics on a topic, with the meat of it in another page. We started with many good, new ideas, but we haven't had enough participation to be able to use them.
  12. Thanks for being relevant.
  13. I doubt it - that would probably result in an ulcer.
  14. Often times it's a side effect of other problems. For example, motion sickness (at least, in my understanding of it) is due to a lack of correlation between visual cues and the inner ear, so the brain believes that it may be being poisoned and promptly vomits up any possible toxins. Aha:
  15. If you can't get them to switch from WEP, just make sure that the credit card numbers are stored in a thoroughly encrypted form so that even if they are stolen, no harm will be done.
  16. Electron clouds aren't as shiny.
  17. Arr, me mateys! Cap'n Refsmmat says ye'll walk the plank if ye don't give me parrot some o' that rum too! Wi'out good ol' Phi 'ere, I'd be loster 'n Davy Jones after two cask o' grog! (We mods have great fun needling each other.)
  18. WEP is enough to keep your average bored dude with a laptop sitting at the coffeshop across the street from stealing your internet access, but that's about it.
  19. Ritalin is commonly prescribed for children younger than 14 in the US.
  20. A previous (and quite long) thread on this matter: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2941
  21. Just a note - instead of using the [math][/math] tags for your chemical equations, you can just use [ce][/ce] i.e. [ce]KMnO4[/ce]
  22. If it's WYSIWYG, what browser are you using? It may be funky Javascript causing the problem (not Java, Javascript)?
  23. And that looks exactly what I had input previously - except the quotation marks are improperly encoded. Perhaps something in the post parser thing got changed accidentally and is causing weird problems.
  24. Where do you see the HTML? In the post box? Can you give an example of a post that you had to put HTML in?
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