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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. And Islam generally does not interfere with those rights. It's the literalists that let it. You're also misunderstanding one basic thing - those are rights to you and your culture. Other cultures have completely different perspectives on what the place of people in society is. If I told you that the ancient Chinese would kill a dead man's wife so she could be with him in his tomb, you'd be appalled, but they found no problem with it. In essence, it is a completely different set of values and morals that they believe in, and judging them based on yours is worthless. They are probably just at appalled at some of our practices. Let's take a step back and remember that their culture is totally different from ours; what is "suffering" to you is not "suffering" to them, and what a "right" is to you is totally different to them. Also remember that you're judging a minority of their religion, and that their religion has been "maturing" 400 years less.
  2. If you did know some of them very well, you'd know that they can be just as mild-mannered and kind as any other person, even the highly religious ones. I should know, having lived in a region of the country with an abnormally high concentration of them.
  3. [math]\frac{\sqrt{-1}}{\sqrt{1}} \neq \frac{\sqrt{1}}{\sqrt{-1}}[/math] He screws up right about there. [math]\frac{\sqrt{1}}{\sqrt{-1}} = -i[/math], while [math]\frac{\sqrt{-1}}{\sqrt{1}} = i[/math]
  4. It switched me to blank tabs. No, I do not use traffic exchanges, because I'd rather get genuine users to visit my web sites, not somebody trying to visit dozens at a time.
  5. Ah. So it switches me to a blank tab when I click on a link. Doesn't seem to be particularly helpful, given that when I do try to accomplish multiple tasks, being switched to a blank tab makes things generally slower.
  6. I can't even tell what SurfTabs does, because the user interface happens to be rather pathetic. There's very little indication of which tabs are currently in use, which you are currently using, and what the hell is in each tab - they just say "Tab 1," "Tab 2," etc.. Why don't you use the native tab control instead of buttons in a line? If what you are intending is that Firefox will open links to external websites in new tabs, and take you to that tab immediately, simply check "Select new tabs opened from links" and "Open links from other applications in: a new tab in the most recent window"
  7. In Firefox 1.5, Tools->Options->Tabs->Select new tabs opened from links The wording will be cleared up in 2.0.
  8. You can set Firefox to do that quite easily.
  9. Erm... how exactly is it a revolution? Firefox and others can easily switch to the next tab when you click on a link.
  10. If there was a 10 Jupiter-mass object in the Kuiper belt, it would have sucked up everything it passed by.
  11. It's big and round, but it hasn't cleared up the area around its orbit.
  12. He's a professional musician.
  13. Check the manuals that came with the RAM itself. Oftentimes you have to pair them up with equal-size and -speed chips, as Atheist said. Also, check out your graphics card - some of the integrated ones will allocate themselves part of the main RAM.
  14. It's the same mechanism that determines the "Who's Online" data - every time the person requests a page, the server stores that page's identifier in the database in their session information. Or something.
  15. This is all from one thread in Psuedoscience, by Zarkov: The joys of the early days.
  16. The International Astronomical Union has finally come to a consensus in a meeting of over 2,500 astronomers, deciding to demote Pluto from its status as a planet. The resolution has created a new class of planets, "dwarf planets," that includes Pluto and two other objects. This should clear up most ambiguity, as the definition of "planet" now requires the planet to clear the area around its orbit of debris - giving astronomers something to look for specifically to determine just what is a planet. http://www.newscientistspace.com/article.ns?id=dn9824
  17. C#, however, is not directly aimed at Web programming, as PHP is. PHP is incredibly powerful for creating dynamic webpages.
  18. Now I shall have to kill you pathetic fools!
  19. Oops. Nothing to see here, move along.
  20. Hmm... Perhaps a forum for SciFi, with a subforum for commenting on the stories as they develop. We should, somehow, restrict posting in the SciFi threads there to the writer only.
  21. Most of those sorts of things have about 30 seconds of flight time on one tank of fuel. Not that practical.
  22. Apparently, quite a few: [thread]5615[/thread] [thread]21634[/thread] [thread]20436[/thread] [thread]17225[/thread] [thread]10286[/thread] [thread]5615[/thread]
  23. Let's not let this descend into personal insults. Please calm down a bit and take a pause before making your posts.
  24. That was quite obvious, but one who puts an ad in The Economist must have at least something to say, or they're risking more than their career.
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