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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Only those Presidents who have committed treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors (says the Constitution) may be impeached. And besides, that ruling may be appealed. I see no double standard. edit: Now, Pangloss, don't you start going off the deep end too.
  2. It shall be interesting to see who responds to their ad in The Economist. I find it rather funny that none of those who previously "verified" their technology are willing to go on record about it.
  3. Also Which Pangloss responded to, and you ignored:
  4. Instead of picking two or three one to back up and pretending the rest don't exist, either admit the rest were generalities or back them up too.
  5. Bascule, you did barrage Pangloss with generalities, and it is rather irritating. Instead of picking two or three to back up and pretending the rest don't exist, either admit the rest were generalities or back them up too.
  6. Yes, someone forgot to renew the domain name for blackcobalt.net so we had to establish a temporary domain until it's sorted.
  7. RAM speed, not CPU speed.
  8. New Scientist is a very good magazine, and is weekly. Science or Nature would be fine if you wanted the "raw" results, although I doubt most people would find those as interesting as the summaries in typical magazines.
  9. What is the software you used previously? This is a rather good one.
  10. Someone forgot to renew the domain name for the chat. Try using mIRC to go to blackcobalt.no-ip.org and then /join #sfn
  11. I haven't seen any company that sells empty laptop cases.
  12. Perhaps they intend to use cluster bombs to blow up things other than a bunch of terrorists standing in a crowd - you know, thinks like buildings, rocket launchers, and the like.
  13. I'd like to see a bit more referencing and a bit less "my second cousin is a rear admiral, so I'm right."
  14. Theological, for saving the Heathens from Hell.
  15. And surely anybody living in our modern world - and especially the United States - would know this.
  16. I think all US drinks, including beers, are labeled in fluid ounces as well as milliliters.
  17. Been reading some Dave Barry, I see. Straight from his blog: Colombian Big-Butt Ants Cosmic Blob Rude Tubers Na-Uchi-Bou Fish Beating Stick Smut-Affected Cane Snail Venom And that's just a month's worth.
  18. I meant "de-nasty" (to stop the teasers), not "de-gay".
  19. You could have just said "anti-trust" and saved yourself the time.
  20. We tried. Sometimes in the US I notice very old road signs with kilometers as well as miles - the change was tried and abandoned (although the government uses metric officially).
  21. While I disagree with YT, I think that's a bit fallacious. YT wants to reduce the amount of teasing, and having gay parents is one possible spark of it. It's impossible to stop it altogether - save brainwashing the kids - but reducing triggers can (but probably wouldn't, anyways) help. Personally, I think discipline is a better method, anyways.
  22. Do elaborate. We have the Hybrid and Linear modes available as well. What disadvantages do they have, and what could the thread tools hyperlink do to help Threaded Mode?
  23. You're behind. They also think Bush is having an affair with Condoleeza, among other things.
  24. And people complain that wind turbines kill birds.
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