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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_B12#Side_effects.2C_contraindications.2C_and_warnings
  2. We don't want to get into legal trouble.
  3. I'd tell you to learn a simple programming language, but you already seem to be learning BASIC on your calculator. Go with that - you can make some rather nifty games in plain BASIC. You'll learn all about loops and control structures that way, and it'll make moving to the next language easier.
  4. Cruel. Too cruel.
  5. [math]3x^3 + 4x^2[/math], you mean? Moved to correct forum
  6. Audacity can record everything that goes to the soundcard. Just check the legality first.
  7. Yes, indeed. Although that limits us some, it would add sanity.
  8. I'd look for existing software before jumping in and writing a completely new system
  9. It would be easy enough to make a "Submit an Experiment" page, have the resident experts take a quick look at it for sanity, then put it on a public page.
  10. Although letting people edit experiment articles may not be wise.
  11. It is now
  12. No board, just people - although I may make a "trusted" group that would have to check every article as well.
  13. It's reinforced with Kevlar and such in case of space debris.
  14. The world's first inflatable spacecraft has successfully made it into space and inflated, says Bigelow Aerospace. The craft is a 9-foot wide model of what they hope will become the first commercial space hotel. The company plans on launching six to ten similar test craft into orbit, and then finally the inflatable hotel in 2012. Unfortunately, no suitable delivery vehicle for passengers has been developed, so the company is sponsoring a $50 million prize for the first company to demonstrate a reusable capsule capable of carrying 5 passengers. http://www.newscientistspace.com/article.ns?id=dn9546
  15. WiSci aims to have a peer-review process resulting in an article having a static "reviewed" version for all to use, while there is a "live" version that can be edited.
  16. I would hardly characterize Westerns as only having "a few dumb rednecks."
  17. Layout and publishing is less of a problem because we'd use existing software.
  18. Heh... I understand what you're saying. I was thinking about using WiSci for something similar to mooeypoo's idea as well.
  19. That should be fine.
  20. You need to find out exactly what its requirements are before you can start making databases and such. You may end up realizing that you have to completely redo something because of a requirement you didn't know about yet.
  21. You don't need to do that. That duplicates data and really isn't necessary. Excel can use ODBC to access a Microsoft SQL database.
  22. Ah... may be dave's server acting funny (xyloid.org is his).
  23. There's an interesting drug called modafinil (marketed as Provigil) that performs some of these functions (although it's not the only way to do it). Check out this article. Great to see another polite member. And yes, I did move it to the right forum
  24. Go read the article. The rats were not saturated with 10x the daily average; the doses of THC were equivalent to smoking one (1) joint every few days. They were not "massive doses."
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