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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. So that means small restaurant owners will be at a disadvantage because they can't afford to make separate HVAC systems and such, and smokers won't go to their restaurant. Or that's what would happen if smokers were that much of the market, considering links that others have brought up. Right, so why should you label us as politically correct? I would gladly go around with a fire extinguisher and stop anybody from smoking, and that isn't politically correct.
  2. At some expense which many building owners cannot afford. If you want to misconstrue me (and others) that way, feel free. And the people with lung cancer from second-hand smoke. I would be tempted to label you as a smoker right there because of your reaction, but that would be doing what I just caught you doing: misconstruing people's posts and drawing conclusions.
  3. That was not the post I quoted; in fact, the post you just quoted was made later in the thread than the one I was replying to. Ignoring that, however: So regular people have to avoid going to what may be a good restaurant just to avoid the toxic fumes inside. That's like saying that restaurants have a right to let cockroaches invade their kitchens, because some people enjoy chile con cockroach. Those who don't like them can just go somewhere else, then?
  4. Not much, really. Nobody has actually proved that Dvorak is any faster than QWERTY, though it is more comfortable to use.
  5. And often you can't make that choice because you're in a public place where people are smoking and you can't avoid them. Would you like to suggest that we stay out of public places where people smoke?
  6. What you can do is use a Linux distribution CD's installer to create its own partition without affecting XP. You don't need to wipe Windows.
  7. There are already emissions regulations imposed on all new cars being produced. Compare sitting in a traffic jam now with sitting in a traffic jam 40 years ago in a car with no catalytic converter (which would stink terribly).
  8. Microkernels are already used in tasks that require absolute stability and performance - real-time operating systems such as those that run factory robots. The ability of a microkernel to recover from most failures by simply restarting the affected "server" beats anything monolithic kernels have to offer (besides being well-coded). If GNU/Hurd succeeds and becomes exceptionally stable, it will probably become popular for tasks such as servers where reliability is important. Unfortunately, interprocess communication slows down microkernels a lot. Better techniques have lowered that overhead to about 5-10% (in the L4 microkernel), and things are getting better. I think we'll see new microkernels in a few years that have equal or better performance and higher reliability.
  9. Water balloons are more fun. http://microgravity.grc.nasa.gov/balloon/blob.htm
  10. The water sprayers are left over from Apollo when the sound of the engines could blast the roof off of the press building three miles away. I'm not sure what effect the orbital maneuvering system (the only system that works without the external fuel tank) would have on a 747.
  11. This topic is about second-hand smoke, not a complete ban of smoking.
  12. Wait - you're saying the desktop acts as a router? How do you have things configured there?
  13. Is allowing smoking a right given to businesses or an individual right? It makes a difference, after all. If it's an individual right to smoke in public places, then the businesses should not be our concern.
  14. The Space Shuttle actually only carries enough fuel to alter its orbit by a few miles - the rest is all in the external tank and boosters.
  15. 747s do carry Space Shuttles routinely, but they never launch them.
  16. Any sort of water, or just tap water? There may be a contaminant in the water you drink that you are sensitive to.
  17. Yipe. I wonder how hard it would be to squish one of those suckers when they sneak inside.
  18. http://space.about.com/b/a/256724.htm
  19. Not necessarily.
  20. I suggest you complain to the antivirus makers so they can address the problem.
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