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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. This has nothing to do with blocking content.
  2. Do you use a router or are you connected directly to the internet?
  3. The keyboard-emulating interface takes about 15 seconds to get one letter through, so I wouldn't be praising it so highly quite yet. They've got a few more years before they're practical enough.
  4. This isn't the place for such things.
  5. The theory of evolution has evolved since Charles Darwin wrote The Origin of the Species. It's misinterpreted, it's been changed to better fit the data.
  6. Carbon dating uses carbon-14, not uranium. Uranium simply doesn't permeate like carbon-14 does (animals inhale carbon all the time).
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratigraphy
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiometric_dating http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiocarbon_dating We know the half-lives because we can put the materials in the lab and determine how much of the material decays over a given period of time, and then we simply extrapolate that out to thousands of years. There are certain materials that have half-lives of days, so we know how radioactive materials behave and what they do. Mind you, radiometric/radiocarbon dating is only accurate out to a point, when we start to use fossil layers and other materials found near the dated material for dating purposes.
  9. I think what you want can be achieved through Matlab's built-in features. http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/description6.html
  10. A recent study suggests that caffeine can actually increase your chances of being convinced by an argument, after other studies suggested that it can also improve cognitive performance. The study shows that those who drink a significant amount of caffeine and then read articles opposed to their point of view are more likely to change their opinions than those who had no caffeine. Other factors indicate that it may be due to increased cognitive functions that allow greater analysis of the subject, rather than simply a better mood. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn9280
  11. If they want security, use GoDaddy and then look up GnuPG.
  12. They'd have to set up a server with Exchange on it and set GoDaddy's DNS to point to it. There are free alternatives to Exchange if you just want to send email, by the way.
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Really_Simple_Syndication
  14. The Onion is a satire news site. But it's funny anyways.
  15. I'm sure they'd also find the little plaque next to the dinosaur bones saying "165 Million Years Ago". Or they'd realize that half of them were plaster reproductions.
  16. Oh. I haven't used Windows 98 for about three years
  17. Right click on one of the files and hit Properties, then look for the Opens With line and hit Change. Then set it to Windows Media Player and all files of that type will open in Media Player by default.
  18. Hydrogen-filled Pringles cans are much more fun.
  19. Exactly what I meant. If science is made exciting (meaning "combustible") then more students will like it.
  20. Find more science that blows up.
  21. You try telling that to the cat.
  22. No comment.
  23. Yes. That's where we make our secret plots to take over PhysicsForums.
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