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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Only moderators can see the wee red dot, I believe
  2. Actually, they do have the ability to do things like hide their online status, but that's about it.
  3. No.
  4. I don't think you can walk up to your local weapons depot and say "I'd like to sell you a weapon of mass destruction, do you like it?"
  5. I've gotten a key off accidentally and then put it back on (easily), but I have no idea how to get it back off again.
  6. I've noticed that I have a load of cat hair and various bits stuck under the keys of my keyboard. I've tried the various air-blasters and such, and none of them can get the hair - it's firmly stuck around the base of the keys. Is there any way I can pop some keys off to pull it out, or will I just have to get a pair of very fine tweezers?
  7. Compaq is rated 11th by PC World Magazine in terms of quality and satisfaction. Alienware, eMachines and Acer are the top three (I excluded Apple because I'm assuming eruheru wants to stick with a familiar operating system).
  8. The server and your client periodically "ping" each other, sending a bit of data and waiting for a response. This helps them determine network status and speed, as well as if they're still connected. If it takes too long for the response to come, it's called a "timeout", and your client disconnects because it thinks something broke.
  9. The truth is, the word is incredibly overused. Oh, wait...
  10. Let me get this clear: The reason the signature limit exists is that signatures are visually disruptive to threads. I've completely disabled signatures on another forum I visit and I must say, it's actually quite nice. I will, however, admit that a character limit is rather stupid - a physical size limit should be imposed instead (but that would take more work). Apart from that, one more outburst like that could get you in trouble. the tree wasn't being nice, but that's no reason for you to explode.
  11. We feel that signatures can be visually disrupting to threads (I'm tempted to set my controls so I do not see them, actually) and they really aren't necessary. Though I'd feel better about it if there was a physical size limit, not a character limit.
  12. You cannot access Windows Update without IE though.
  13. With the number of programs that use IE as an internal rendering engine, I'd have to say it's impractical. Besides, removing it is incredibly difficult - I'd like to hear how you managed.
  14. It's an implementation of .NET for Linux. With a few changes (if any) to your program, it would work easily on Linux.
  15. A new French study indicates that heavy metal exposure may cause autism in children, prompting researchers to wonder if autism could be treated by flushing heavy metals out of the body. The study examined urine samples from hundreds of French children and discovered that the levels of some byproducts of heavy metal exposure were up to 2.6 times more concentrated in children with autism. It is unknown whether this is a symptom or a cause of autism, as researchers are continuing to investigate. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=mg19025535.400&feedId=online-news_rss20
  16. What language is SurfTabs written in? If it's .NET, Mono should let you run it on Linux.
  17. No, it just bypasses it.
  18. You've got to cram more of the Flash chip in that space, so it's bound to be more expensive. Just like how a laptop can have the same specs as a desktop, but be more expensive, solely because it's harder to design something that can fit all those components into such a small case.
  19. YDOAPS, this thread is for helping him fix his current problem, not advertising your favorite Linux distribution.
  20. Please discuss this in the thread linked to by Schrodngr's_cat.
  21. I'd caution you against saying they "download themselves." It is very likely it comes from websites exploiting Internet Explorer, or perhaps one virus that has been dormant on your computer and has not been completely removed yet. I've had a Norton installation completely destroyed, and I still haven't figured out what caused the problem. ZoneLabs is right. You need to restart in safe mode and run a complete scan for viruses, set on the deepest, most thorough mode Symantec will do. Hopefully you'll get whatever is hijacking Zone Alarm.
  22. But does it feel pain the same way a human does, or is that a reflex reaction to excess pressure?
  23. Aquarium pumps aren't designed to pump air, so I'm guessing that it'll burn out the electric motor rather quickly with the decreased resistance.
  24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aggregated_diamond_nanorods
  25. Ideally you'd use this: <link rel="icon" href="http://example.com/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://example.com/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> because IE and Mozilla do it different ways (IE does it the second way, contrary to standards).
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