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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Hydrogen isn't actually that much of a problem. I've seen demonstrations with a comparison of a gas leak vs a hydrogen leak. Hydrogen has the advantage that it just burns in a nice little flame going straight up, while gasoline just goes FWOOSH and the whole place burns up. Though if you got a tank to completely explode and spread out the hydrogen in a nice distribution, you could have a very nice fireball.
  2. I don't think glass windows would be very effective as sound insulation, but rather, you end up with outside interference at the same time. If it sounds as loud as it does with the windows up, then it's doing the same damage. Decibels are what matter, not the windows.
  3. The term "metaphysical thesis" as used on your linked page immediately sets an alarm flag. Shall this go to Psuedoscience and Metaphysics, then?
  4. E=mc2 is the equation that describes how they are interchangeable. Think nuclear fission. In fission, you lose a tiny bit of mass for a ridiculous amount of energy (mass times the speed of light squared, a huge number).
  5. It also could be that you are still in a state halfway between sleep and full conciousness. sunspot, what you say makes no sense. Current can flow from the brain into the eyes? "Bounce"? I'd appreciate it if you stuck to things that have already been proven when a post asks for a factual answer, rather than speculation.
  6. No. Matter can be converted to energy, and energy converted to matter. It's possible that not all of the matter in the universe has always been here--many scientists believe that most of it was created after the big bang.
  7. I note all the "This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA" notices. Sounds like it's a joke. See the little text by the helicopter in the 4th frame? Something about explosions... it doesn't look professional. Someone was having fun with that.
  8. crims. I was trying to say that he should wait for the investigation to be completed to draw his conclusions. There is more evidence to be seen.
  9. No, but at least you'll have some explanation to criticize.
  10. Yes, in some fossils.
  11. The collapse of WTC 7 is the subject of a current investigation, and I suggest you do not make conclusions before that study produces results.
  12. crims, there is a search function for a reason. drochaid, thank you for that insightful sarcasm.
  13. There's always conflict in the Middle East, he wasn't predicting anything special. It is a hoax anyways. See here: http://communities.anomalies.net/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=9;t=000111
  14. That will happen for the Brits in another month, actually.
  15. You could try lighting a fuse with a firecracker on the end. Sound, light, heat, etc.
  16. If you'd like I'll ban you from SFN until Friday so you can finish, Dak Procrastination is a college student's worst enemy.
  17. 5gigs.com has worked for me before, although you should expect downtime with them. Free hosts typically aren't of great quality.
  18. Or at least closed.
  19. I've checked and it appears it is a bug fixed in 3.5.4.
  20. So then compare those and try to explain why you got that.
  21. There's a similar, but opposite, thread here: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=19771
  22. You'll want to see what else comes out of the experiment besides the chemical, such as heat or light.
  23. Did you actually perform these experiments or did you just get the equations? If you did the experiments yourself, then the differences would be in what happened as it reacted (I have no idea what would happen, sorry) and not the physical result.
  24. The universe became the way it is because the atoms move randomly, and so it was not perfectly symetrical. Expansion made those anomolies larger.
  25. He does want to live past high school, you know.
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