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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Please stop digging up old threads and posting nonsenical replies.
  2. There's the slight problem that if you make a computer that holds as much information as the entire universe does, you've just doubled the amount of information in the universe and so your computer needs to hold even more information.
  3. If nothing links to that page, no search engine can find it.
  4. There's no need to be nasty about it, Moonquake.
  5. I'd suggest a book on special relativity. I'd recommend something like The Fabric of the Cosmos, although it is a rather complex book and you may find it hard to understand depending on how much English you know. Take a look at it at a bookstore or something before you get it. There are many other books and articles that cover special relativity, and I'm sure you could find a good one.
  6. I believe protons and neutrons are all identical. You can't have less massive neutrons.
  7. Science likes evidence. In fact, obtaining evidence is part of the scientific method. Many logical proposals have been made that have been proven wrong. The aether made perfect sense when it was introduced, but that didn't mean it actually existed.
  8. (Moved to correct section) The real answer is: Nobody knows. We can make guesses about what happened after the matter appeared, but nobody knows where it came from or how.
  9. I used to own a site just as you have stated, one that is essentially a giant homework help forum. Unfortunately, however, both public interest and the domain name expired. It's a good idea, it just needs to be pulled off right with decent advertising. Students, mind you, often aren't all that great at making quality posts.
  10. I must say... I never saw this coming, in all honesty. Looking through some of my old posts (and some posts in the moderator's forum) it's apparent that I was on the road to being banned for spam long ago... and here I am now, a moderator. You'd all better just hope I don't trip over the ban stick accidentally.
  11. With this sort of topic, it all depends. As IMM has showed, there are certain things that would be incredibly difficult to reverse. There's also the problem of people just using the Paintbrush tool to paint over things, in which case that area is changed to color x entirely and probably isn't recoverable. I suppose the only way to find out would be to dissect Photoshop or the GIMP and see if you can work out a way to undo some of the effects. It's apparent you can't get all of them, but you could probably find a few recoverable ones. edit: heh, this thread seems to be dominated by moderators...
  12. That service sounds very limiting, although I suppose it is free. I love PHP though.
  13. I believe many other threads on SFN have dismissed the possibility of time travel.
  14. In a review of 26 independent studies from 2000 to 2005, researchers have found that chiropractic treatments for colic, asthma, allergies, dizziness, and period, back and neck pain have little to no benefit over conventional treatments. The researchers say that in all categories except for back pain, the studies found that chiropractic treatment was not effective at all, while with back pain, it is no better than a conventional treatment. Chiropractors, however, have dismissed the review as focusing on the negative studies, which the researchers deny. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4824594.stm
  15. It requires even more force to accelerate you as you're pulled by gravity. Same problem as before--the gravity won't be able to pull you to c.
  16. Indeed. Residential units do not bring in outside air, they only circulate coolant from the inside to the outside that then cools the air inside the house.
  17. Illuminati, what do you mean by "tap into"?
  18. Cap'n Refsmmat

    Gray Goo

    Also nanomachines have a nasty habit of getting inhaled and lodged in the lungs and bloodstream. So don't sneeze if you see a gray goo coming. And bascule, theoretically, anything electronic is susceptible to an EM pulse. You just can't make enough shielding in a tiny little device, and unless it has no electronics at all, it'll be vulnerable in one way or another. Eukaryotic cells may not be all that vulnerable, but they're organic, not electronic.
  19. No. Check their fine print if you think it might be. Nacelunk, you'd have to find out.
  20. From those little dense areas in the gas at the start of the universe. The dense areas had more gravity, so they pulled more matter towards them, which caused them to have more gravity, and so on. Eventually (over millions/billions of years) the clumps got big enough that they formed planets and galaxies. I should point out that I'm a bit out of my area here; I'd like a physics expert to take over, please. All I know is what I read in The Elegant Universe.
  21. Matter can be created with energy. It's just that you can't get rid of matter without it turning to energy, and vice versa; the total amount of matter and energy always stays the same. The Higgs inflaton field is a field like gravity that scientists believe permeates all of space. The field currently has a nonzero value, and it gives particles their mass. At the beginning of the universe, however, random fluctuations could have caused it to hit a particular value (value as in field strength/properties) that would make the universe expand rapidly, faster than gravity could contain it. The idea makes sense, because as the matter in the universe spreads out, the expansion is accelerating--the Higgs inflaton field is still pushing slightly, and as gravity loses its effect on matter over distances, the Higgs field takes over and pushes matter apart. Mind you, this is all theoretical.
  22. I just posted an answer to this question in another thread.
  23. There's a very simple answer to this. Inflationary cosmology states that the original bit of matter that started the universe was actually around 20 pounds in weight, and the expansion was caused by a Higgs inflaton field--a repulsive field whose value was fluctuating, and then got "caught" on a value that blasted the matter apart with force far greater than gravity. The resulting expansion gave more energy to the inflaton field, which then gave up its energy later as enough matter to fill the universe with a nearly uniform "bath" of particles (E=mc2). Remember, gravity is weak. Mind you, we currently have no evidence of a Higgs field existing, but the mathematics all works out. When the Large Hadron Collider is built at CERN, we just may be able to spot a Higgs boson and prove inflationary cosmology right. At least, that's my understanding. See The Fabric of the Cosmos for more details.
  24. The iPod doesn't do all that much writing to memory with each song. It may write each time, but that's only to one particular area--when that area fails, the iPod can simply switch to another area. The memory space will gradually decline, but it is an incredibly slow process.
  25. Yes, that's the way it was in the very beginning. But as the universe expanded, bits vibrated and moved around.
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