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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. You could say that the space-time continuum is energy, sort of. Some scientists think there is a "Higgs field" that permeates all space and causes particles to have mass and inertia, and the Higgs field has a nonzero amount of energy. Not sure if that's what you meant, though.
  2. The idea is that you get a blood test when you're married (by law) so you know if you should abstain or not when you're married, but if you go after any random person, then you won't know if they have an STD or not.
  3. I'd send it back to Dell for a warranty fix. I'd recommend you don't fiddle with it any more. The plastic may have served as an insulator or something, and you could end up frying the port.
  4. No scientist has ever said that cells just popped up randomly. You don't even know what science says, and you're trying to criticise it?
  5. See the discussion page. It seems that the article does not meet the guidelines for pages about other websites. Bleh.
  6. Moved to Politics-not science news Anyways, they probably spend most of the quarter showing you slides of various STDs to disgust people enough so that they won't try having sex for another ten years.
  7. I've never met a probability wave before!
  8. You'd think a 26-year-old could have better grammar.
  9. Scientific American and New Scientist (weekly) are my recommendations.
  10. Other forums have articles, like Neowin or Something Awful.
  11. That's all music.
  12. It's a bit POV but I fixed (some of) that.
  13. http://science.howstuffworks.com/solar-cell.htm
  14. Try selling your own, and see what they do.
  15. Sensitive to medicines? Could you at least give us details? Or perhaps do the more sane thing, and see an allergist instead of asking people you don't know on the internet.
  16. Silly, but it's one possible explanation. Elephants don't swim quite like that, though, unless it was nearly drowning.... I've watched them swim, they normally have more above water than that.
  17. Those pictures look fake, anyways. And, of course, none actually show her drinking. There are plenty of people who pose for cameras with beer, without drinking it--especially at parties when they're younger. Bleh. Get over it. Just because she's famous doesn't mean you should pay any more attention to it than if anybody else did it. I'm sure if you saw pictures of random 15-year-old person x you wouldn't care.
  18. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4504
  19. Magnetic and electric fields are the same thing.
  20. A study of nearly 350 patients has found that high doses of a new statin drug, rosuvastatin, could break up fatty deposits in arteries and therefore "reverse" heart disease. The researchers studied the patients over a two-year period and found that the number of deposits in the arteries decreased, although they cautiously note that they have not proven this to lower heart attack rates. This is good news for people with high cholesterol - the drug also cut levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol by 50%. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4800772.stm
  21. I can't wait for a Brit to come on and say "no, the date is really 14/3, you weird Americans."
  22. But the chances are, a supermodel won't be that much of a nerd. There may be some, but we're looking at the big picture. Or whatever stereotypes you may have.
  23. Care to tell us which ones? Looking through a few random ones, the Posting Rules box says that img is on. This thread is about images in signatures, by the way.
  24. Well, it states that there are side effects, but nothing about addiction. Edited post for clarity.
  25. I love being a skeptic, so I made a blog about it. Random ideas from me. Anyways, I agree. People like to believe whatever they read, even if it's from the Journal of Irreproducible Results. Another myth: the whole stupid "we never landed on the moon thing" and its various incarnations. I remember one website showing graphs and charts of how it's impossible to reach speeds of greater than 2000 mph or something like that (based on the speeds of particular aircraft and their size, so all he did was ignore the fast ones).
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