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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. For years, no long-term studies have been undertaken to determine if marijuana actually has long-term side effects. Many users have claimed that there are no side effects to marijuana smoking. Now those users have been proven wrong. A study of marijuana users vs. a control group found that use of marijuana gradually lowers learning abilities and impairs memory. The effects aren't drastic, but they were enough to make one of the reasearchers state, "It definitely fogs your brain." http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn8839
  2. Okay, I suppose that's just what I assumed when I saw .co.nz and such. It is the British Broadcasting Corporation
  3. I know that they have journalists in other countries. It's just that they're based in the UK. CNN is everywhere. Indeed. .co stands for Commonwealth, I believe. You can also get .co.nz and such (New Zealand) as it was (is?) also part of the Commonwealth.
  4. You don't understand. CNN is an INTERNATIONAL company. They operate in many countries. The BBC operates in the UK. And the .co.uk is for the Commonwealth (anything formerly in the British empire). You wouldn't get .co.us. A properly configured server would typically include a virus scanner. And you can't stop them from using spyware on their site, it's pretty easy to use JS to link to another site's spyware. Expensive with few features. With no PHP' date=' perl, or anything useful like that, a good dynamic website is nearly impossible. Reading through their homepage, it seems that they're catered to people who know little to nothing about what a website is or how to create one, so they don't bother including features that people would only want if they knew a bit more. PHP/MySQL is useful if you want a blog, forum, gallery, news system, shopping system, etc. Plain HTML is pretty limited. http://www.5gigs.com http://www.awardspace.com http://www.uni.cc
  5. I personally think the schools need to start testing for actual understanding and not memorization. Go critical thinking!
  6. Your host isn't free. Klaynos was making a statement about free hosts. Reading the TOS gives no clear answer. If a server is properly configured, that should not be necessary. Especially if it's a Linux server, as those files would be restricted and couldn't do anything even if they were a virus. (This does not cause problems with hosting, unless you try to get a program to access something outside of your directory provided by the host. But you shouldn't do that anyways.) Who is this host anyways?
  7. I think the code that handles quick replies isn't smart enough to register two quick replies in the same thread in a short period of time, as no page reloading is actually involved (AJAX and such). There are vB modifications that force double posts to be merged together into one post.
  8. Indeed. According to New Scientist, you'd need about a meter of water to stop a bullet. As for bulletproof glass, the polycarbonate layer keeps the glass from shattering. It simply holds the glass shards together, so that they don't go flying everywhere.
  9. You could also use the Sandbox on Wikipedia, and fool around with the <math> tags.
  10. (The fact of the week, not WiSci)
  11. Notice that it doesn't come with any scripting language and such. It's a low-end package. And you are paying way too much for your current hosting.
  12. Err... I've never seen that. There's always javascript:window.close() that closes your window, but I don't think IE gives you an error message first. Perhaps they're messing with your mind. Don't use IE. edit: noticed that there's a misspelling in herme3's error box... I think it's a javascript trick.
  13. It displays your localhost. I just tried it.
  14. You're making the stereotype that smart people are nerds or geeks, and that isn't true. You can have a smart person that works hard. In fact, if you get rid of the ignorant people, you'll end up with a lot more hard-working smart people.
  15. NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has successfully entered orbit around Mars, a planet known for swallowing up many of the probes that try to visit it. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) is on a mission to find out if water has existed on Mars for a long period of time (and in what form), armed with six instruments to help detect signs of water, and signs of the previous existence of water. NASA scientists hope the MRO will be able to definitively tell us if life could have ever existed on Mars - opening the door for future missions that search for signs of this life. http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-031006mars_lat,0,4816328.story?coll=la-home-headlines
  16. Indeed. It can be distracting. Trust me, try looking on Neowin and you'll see what I mean. You learn to ignore people's signature text, as there's a divider, and you can also turn them off in your control panel.
  17. I don't know how they measured it, but the link seems to indicate that the cause of the spike is simply the method used to generate X-Rays: 20 million amps are run through a set of wires, which implode and create a ball of plasma. Ouch.
  18. Dang, this is old news. And I had ready to be posted in the news forum, too.
  19. Perhaps you could wait for NIST to release its (independent) report on what caused WTC7 to fall down.
  20. Looking at Google, it appears that live.com is using odd methods to get data and such that are simply not supported by other browsers. They made workarounds for Firefox, but most other browsers don't have the necessary support. It's most likely a problem of "nobody ever uses that element" syndrome.
  21. There are certain things that Opera don't like at all. I know that until recently, Firefox also didn't work with live.com, so I assume it's some not-often-used feature (perhaps a proprietary Microsoft bit, though I don't know) that the Opera team didn't bother with yet.
  22. That would be hard to pull off. You'd have to create a seperate db table, more code to display "previous revisions," and so on. All it does is create more problems (moderators have to revert posts) instead of blocking edits entirely. But it is a decent idea, just it would take a lot of effort to execute. You can always PM a moderator if you need a post edited.
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