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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Everything posted by Cap'n Refsmmat

  1. Then these nice little things called "anti-trust laws" would help out. And where did you make the assumption that it would happen to stereos? How did you assume that the stereos would have no other ports besides the iPod dock? They also need connectivity with TVs and CD players (because people still use them) and, as you said, the iPod dock is patented! And I might point out that the iPod dock is not meant for simply transferring sound. It's a 30-pin connector that allows remote control through the dock, information transfer, and so on. Not suited for a stereo system. Considering that most computer speakers nowadays use the same standard jack, and that standard jack is used by nearly every mp3 and CD player (even the iPod!), I doubt it. Things don't change that fast.
  2. Why did you ask the question when you know such a detailed answer?
  3. Correlation does not equal causation. Essentially, the content on iFrames is not "counted" as content on that webpage by search engines. The iFrame src is simply added to the list of pages to index (or some search engines may ignore it entirely). But content within iframes doesn't show up as content on your page to a search engine.
  4. That is, if we rule out the possibility that it's possible for life to exist without water. (A major problem with responses such as tetrahedrite's is simply a lack of imagination.)
  5. And a persistent one at that.
  6. I think the key here is veinous blood. The myth says that all blood is blue inside the body. Veinous blood, being depleted of oxygen, may be blue, but arterial blood isn't.
  7. Gee. Troops fighting a war want it to end. Who'da thunk it?
  8. Search engines hate frames-they won't index the content inside them. And regular frames (not iframes) are deprecated from the HTML standard.
  9. I'd just like to say that I'm still interested in doing this. I'll talk to dave on IRC if I have the chance, and in the meantime, I've posted more news. I don't have too much time any more now that I've started a coding project and such, but I can still stir things up (a news post takes me just a few minutes, anyways).
  10. It seems that chocolate lovers are finally vindicated. In a Dutch study of elderly men, those found to consume the most amount of cocoa were half as likely to die of a heart attack than those with the least cocoa - even when other risk factors were taken into account. Unfortunately for chocolate lovers, scientists still don't recommend eating chocolate in large amounts to prevent disease. It's a compromise. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn8780
  11. Shouldn't this be in the news forum? We need more news.
  12. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4584 We've bashed it before.
  13. Frames are the devil anyways.
  14. I don't think that's quite how they explain it.
  15. That's a calculation by mass, not quantity.
  16. You could also get one of those cans of compressed air (actually some compressed hydrocarbon, but whatever) and blast out the dust from the keyboard.
  17. The US never went to the moon, and it was all a cleverly executed conspiracy. And nearly everything notable on Snopes.
  18. I believe that what happens is the IPs are allocated to the ISPs routing centers (or whatever they're called) and the locators give you the location of the routing center you are connected to. Typically users aren't very far from these, so the locators should be fairly accurate.
  19. I felt that after thirteen days of deadness, a bump was necessary. Come on, folks. WiSci isn't growing all by itself, we need help! And if Blike or dave notices this, can we please have a redirect forum to WiSci. I think it would attract far more attention than a little link on the front page.
  20. I think it's a great idea, as long as I get the award.
  21. A trap. You set up what appears to be an open proxy, but it actually logs all access attempts and such and prepares reports to be sent to the ISP of the offender.
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